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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF nt of the State of .I am a competent person 18 years of age or older. I am not a party to or lawyer in this case, and not the employee of a party. I certify that on (date) at (time) (am/pm), I served the Respondent named above by delivering the following documents in person to (address or location of service): I served true copies of the original (check all that apply): Protective Order to Prevent Sexual Abuse or Order Renewing Protective Order Petition for Order to Prevent Sexual Abuse or Petition to Renew Protective Order Notice to Respondent/Request for Hearing Instructions for Contesting a Sexual Abuse Protective Order (SAPO) Notice of Confidential Information Form (CIF) Filing Other (name all forms or documents served): I hereby declare that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand it is made for use as evidence in court and I am subject to penalty for perjury. Date Signature of Server Print Name If person serving is NOT a sheriff or sheriff222s deputy, address and phone number of server: CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (SAPO) - Page 1 of 1 (SAPO 08/2019) Petitioner Case No: (Parent/Guardian of Minor Petitioner) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (use full names) (Sexual Abuse Protective Order) v. Respondent (full name of person restrained) I, (name) , declare that I am a reside American LegalNet, Inc.