Alcohol Server Education Liquor Liability Insurance Exemption Request
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Alcohol Server Education Liquor Liability Insurance Exemption Request Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
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Tags: Alcohol Server Education Liquor Liability Insurance Exemption Request, Oregon Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
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Name: _________________________________________________ Date of birth: ___/____/_____
Licensee name (if different than above): ________________________________________________
Trade Name (dba):_____________________________________________ License Type:________
Business Location Address: __________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________ ZIP Code: ________________
This request form must be completed and signed by an OLCC licensee or license applicant. If the
licensee or applicant is a corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or limited partnership, the
application must be signed by a corporate officer or director (corporation), a member or managing
member (LLC only) or a partner.
I am requesting: (check all that apply)
Exemption from alcohol server education requirements for an individual licensee or
license applicant. In requesting this exemption, I hereby swear and affirm that: I will not
engage in the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for consumption on OLCC-licensed
premises, I will not directly manage or supervise persons who sell or serve alcohol for
consumption on OLCC-licensed premises, and will not participate in establishing policies
governing the sale or service of alcoholic beverages on any OLCC-licensed premises. I
have a co-licensee or manager who meets this requirement.
(name of co-licensee or manager)
(date of birth)
Exemption from alcohol server education and liquor liability insurance requirements
for a business licensed with an OLCC winery, brewery, or grower sales privilege
license. In requesting this exemption, I hereby swear and affirm that the licensee(s) will not
sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the above-named premises, and will not allow
the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the licensed premises. _______________
Initial here
By initialing and signing this application, I swear all of the information on this application is true
and correct, and I understand that under Oregon law (ORS 162.075) false swearing is a Class A
Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: __________
OLCC USE ONLY: Application
Approved by_______________ Date _______
License No. ____________ Premises No._________________
9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222-7355 G PO Box 22297, Milwaukie, OR 97269-2297
Ph:(503) 872-5070 G
(rev. 12/07)
American LegalNet, Inc.