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Catering Pre-Aprproval Request For Full On-Premises And Limited On-Premises Sales Licensees Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Catering Pre-Aprproval Request For Full On-Premises And Limited On-Premises Sales Licensees, Oregon Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
Catering Pre-Approval Request for Full On-Premises
and Limited On-Premises Sales Licensees
Please Print or Type
Licensee Name:___________________________________________ Phone: _________________
Trade Name (dba): _________________________________________________________________
Business Location Address: __________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________ ZIP Code: _________________
Complete this form, and attach a catering menu or sample catering menu and alcohol control
plan. See the back of this form for alcohol control plan requirements and definitions.
I am requesting pre-approval to cater private, temporary events at locations other than my licensed
business. If approved, I will provide (check all that apply):
Small scale private catering (up to 100 patrons)
Large scale private catering (101 to 500 patrons)
I will cater the following types of events (check all that apply):
Other (please list): _______________________
Alcohol will be served (check all that apply):
to guests seated at tables
at walk-up counters or bars
in confined areas (patrons aged 21 or older)
other (please describe): _______________________________
I will cater events principally in the following cities and counties (attach additional sheet if needed):
I understand that at each event I cater, I must serve food, some of which I prepare and cook, in
sufficient quantities to provide at least one serving for each person at the event. At a minimum, the
food must include at least two different substantial food or appetizer items. Chips, crackers, nuts
and popcorn are not substantial food or appetizer items (OAR 845-006-0462). __________
initial here
I understand if my answers are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny this application.
Applicant Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:____________
OLCC USE ONLY: Premises No. ______________________
License Type: _____________
Denied by: _____________________ Date : ____________________
9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222-7355 G PO Box 22297, Milwaukie, OR 97269-2297
Ph:(503) 872-5070 G
(rev. 12/07)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Important information about catering:
If this application is approved, the approval applies to catered events only. Catered events are private events where the
licensee provides food and beverages pursuant to a contract with a client. The following events do not qualify for general
events open to the general public*, unless the event is a fund raiser for a non-profit or charitable
organization registered with the state of Oregon
events where the licensee provides only alcohol service
events where the food service is provided by someone other than the licensee*
events held at the caterer's business location
events that are more than one day in duration, other than closed conferences or seminars*
events where more than 500 guests are expected*
* You can provide alcohol service at these types of events if you complete an OLCC Application for Temporary Use of
Annual License for an Event at an Unlicensed Location, and receive OLCC approval prior to the event. Contact your
local OLCC office for information or an application.
For more information on catering, see Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 471.184, and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR)
845-005-0405, 845-005-0410, and 845-006-0462.
Control plan required for catering pre-approval:
Your application must include a written alcohol control plan that includes specific details on how you will manage
patronage by minors and alcohol consumption by adults. The plan must address the measures you will take to control
alcohol service at the following types of events:
Table service only events where alcohol service is limited to patrons seated at tables
Confined area events, where adults and minors are present, but alcohol service and consumption is confined to
an adults-only area
Walk around, 21 and older events where patrons obtain alcohol from a bar counter or other service area, and
no minors are allowed at the event
Walk around, mixed age events where there are both adults and minors present
For each type of event listed above, the control plan must include:
the staff persons/positions responsible for checking identification, and where they will check ID (at patron's
tables, at the bar or service counter, or at the entrance to a restricted age area)
the types of identification you will accept as proof of age
age standards for checking identification (OLCC rules require you to check the ID of anyone who appears to be
under 26 before you sell or serve alcohol to them; do you set a higher standard, such as under 30?)
the number of alcohol servers per 100 patrons
For walk around, mixed age events where more than 100 patrons are expected your control plan must also include:
Alcohol control measures. Examples of control measures include using different types, colors, or sizes of
cups for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, or limiting patrons to two alcoholic beverages per purchase or
service, or providing security personnel, ID checkers, or alcohol monitors (employees who primarily monitor
alcohol service and consumption).
If your alcohol control plan includes the use of security personnel, ID checkers, or alcohol monitors, include the
criteria you use to determine when you will use them (for example, at events featuring live entertainment or
dancing where more than 30% of the patrons are between 15- 20 years of age), the number you will provide
per 100 patrons, and a description of how these employees are identifiable to other staff and patrons (will they
wear uniforms, badges, buttons, or special t-shirts?).
American LegalNet, Inc.