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For Hire Carrier Application To Deliver Malt Beverages Wine Or Cider Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: For Hire Carrier Application To Deliver Malt Beverages Wine Or Cider, Oregon Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
A for-hire carrier must receive approval from the Commission before delivering any malt beverage, wine, or
cider to a licensee of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission or to a resident of Oregon.
A “for-hire carrier” is any person or company who holds itself out to the public as willing to transport property
in return for compensation. The term “for-hire carrier” includes common carriers.
Applicant Name: ___________________________________________________________
____________ _
Trade Name: __________________________________________________________ ___
___ __________
Business Address: _________________________________________
Street Address
Mailing Address: _________________________________________
Street Address
Contact Person: ____________________________________________
Phone: _________________ ___
I am requesting approval to deliver malt beverages, wine, or cider to Oregon residents and to licensees of the
Oregon Liquor Control Commission, as authorized by Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 845-005-0424.
Alcohol Delivery Plan (check one of the following):
My signed and dated alcohol delivery plan is attached on a separate document. The plan meets
OLCC’s delivery requirements for residential deliveries under OAR 845-005-0424; or
I will use the following plan for delivering malt beverages, wine, or cider to Oregon residents:
Only persons age 18 or over will be used to deliver the alcohol to the resident.
The person who delivers the alcohol will verify that the person receiving the alcohol is not
visibly intoxicated.
If the alcohol is delivered on the same day the order is received, the alcohol is delivered
before 9:00 p.m.
The alcohol will only be delivered to a home or business where the home or business has a
permanent street address.
Any package containing alcohol is conspicuously labeled with the words “Contains alcohol:
signature of person age 21 years or older required for delivery”.
The person delivering the alcohol to the resident of Oregon will collect information that will be
retained by me for a minimum of 18 months from the date of delivering the alcohol. The
information will include:
The person who delivers the alcohol will verify by inspecting government-issued photo
identification that the person receiving the alcohol is at least 21 years of age.
The date and time the alcohol was delivered to the resident; and
The name or information which can be used to determine the name of the person
delivering the alcohol to the resident; and
The name, signature, and delivery address of the person receiving the alcohol.
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(rev. 07/2008)
American LegalNet, Inc.
By signing below, I affirm that:
I understand the requirements for delivering wine, malt beverages and cider to Oregon residents
and licensees; and
I will follow my OLCC approved alcohol delivery plan when delivering malt beverages, wine, or
cider to Oregon residents; and
I will allow the Commission to audit my records which are directly related to alcohol deliveries in
the state of Oregon upon request and shall make those records available to the Commission in
Oregon. I understand that I must make these records available to the Commission no later than 60
days after the Commission mails the notice; and
I consent to the Commission’s jurisdiction and to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of
Oregon for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of OAR 845-005-0424 and any related laws
or rules; and
I understand that the Commission may revoke its approval of my delivery plan if I don’t follow the
plan approved by the Commission or if I don’t comply with the provisions of OAR 845-005-0424.
Applicant Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please send the completed form to:
Metro Licensing Unit
P.O. Box 22297
Milwaukie, OR 97269
OLCC use only
Approved by: _____________________________________________________ Date: ______________
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Guidelines for Approval of a For-Hire Carrier’s Plan for Delivery of Malt
Beverages, Wine or Cider
The Commission will evaluate and may approve a for-hire carrier’s plan to deliver malt beverages, wine
and cider to a resident of Oregon and licensees of the Commission.
(1) Delivery to a resident of Oregon. In order to deliver malt beverages, wine or cider to a resident of
Oregon, a for-hire carrier must make application to the Commission upon forms to be furnished by the
Commission and receive approval from the Commission before delivering any malt beverages, wine or
cider to a resident of Oregon. The application shall include the for-hire carrier’s plan for ensuring that:
(a) Only persons age 18 or over will be used to deliver the alcohol to the resident;
(b) The person used to deliver the alcohol will verify by inspecting government-issued photo identification
that the person receiving the alcohol is at least 21 years of age;
(c) The person used to deliver the alcohol will determine that the person receiving the alcohol is not
visibly intoxicated;
(d) If the alcohol is delivered on the same day the order is received, the alcohol must be delivered before
9:00 pm;
(e) The alcohol is delivered only to a home or business where the home or business has a permanent
street address;
(f) Any package containing alcohol is conspicuously labeled with the words “Contains alcohol: signature
of person age 21 years or older required for delivery” or similar language approved by the Commission;
(g) Information is collected that must be retained by the for-hire carrier for a minimum of eighteen months
from the date of delivering the alcohol. The information may be collected and retained electronically (if
the carrier so chooses) and must include:
(A) The date and time the alcohol was delivered to the resident;
(B) The name or information which can be used to determine the name of the person delivering the
alcohol to the resident; and
(C) The name, signature, and delivery address of the person receiving the alcohol.
(2) Delivery to a licensee of the Commission. In order to deliver malt beverages, wine or cider to a
licensee of the Commission, a for-hire carrier must make application to the Commission upon forms to be
furnished by the Commission and receive approval from the Commission before delivering any malt
beverages, wine or cider to a licensee.
(3) A for-hire carrier:
(a) Must allow the Commission to audit the carrier’s records which are directly related to alcohol
deliveries in Oregon upon request and shall make those records available to the Commission in Oregon.
The for-hire carrier must make these records available to the Commission no later than 60 days after the
Commission mails the notice; and
(b) Consents to the jurisdiction of the Commission and the courts of this state for the purpose of
enforcing the provisions of this rule and any related laws or rules.
(4) The Commission may revoke its approval of a for-hire carrier’s plan if the for-hire carrier fails to follow
the plan approved by the Commission or comply with the provisions of this rule. A revocation under this
subsection is not subject to the requirements for contested case proceedings under ORS Chapter 183.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 471, including 471.030, 471.040 & 471.730(1) & (5)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 471.282
Hist.: OLCC 19-2000, f. 12-6-00, cert. ef. 1-1-01; OLCC 23-2007(Temp), f. 12-14-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08 thru
6-28-08; OLCC 8-2008, f. 6-12-08, cert. ef. 6-29-08
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American LegalNet, Inc.