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Special Event Distillery Application Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Liquor Control Commission Statewide.
Tags: Special Event Distillery Application, Oregon Statewide, Liquor Control Commission
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This license allows an Oregon Distillery Licensee to provide tastings of distilled liquor on a special event licensed
premises. The distilled liquor must have been manufactured by the Distillery Licensee and be approved for sale in
Process Time: OLCC needs your completed application to us in sufficient time to approve it. Sufficient time is typically 1
to 3 weeks before the first event date listed in #8 below (some events may need extra processing time).
License Fee: $10 per license day or any part of a license day. Make payment by check or money order, payable to OLCC.
A license day is from 7:00 am to 2:30 am on the succeeding calendar day.
License Days: In #8 below, you can apply for a maximum of 5 license days per application form.
1. Licensee Name (please print): ______________________________________________________________________
2. Trade Name of Business: ______________________________________________ 3. Fax: ____________________
4. Address of Annual Business: ______________________________________ 5. City/ZIP: ______________________
6. Contact Person: ______________________________________________ 7. Contact Phone: ___________________
8. Date(s) of event: _______________________________
9. Start/End hours of alcohol service: ______ to _______
LICENSED AREA BOUNDARIES: ORS 471.159 prohibits the OLCC from licensing an area that does not have defined
boundaries. OLCC may require the licensed area to be enclosed and may require you to submit a drawing showing the
licensed area and how the boundaries of the licensed area will be identified.
10. Address of Special Event Licensed Area: ______________________________________
11. Identify the licensed area (for example: entire premises; a room within the premises; an area in a park; etc.):
12. List the primary activities within the licensed area (like: dinner; auction; beer festival; wine festival; food fair; art show;
music; patron dancing; sports event; etc.). If entertainment will be offered in the areas where alcohol will be sold or
consumed, please describe the entertainment, the times it will be offered, and list the targeted age of attendees:
13. Will minors and alcohol be allowed together in the same area?
14. What is the expected attendance per day in the licensed area (where alcohol will be sold or consumed)? _______
PLAN TO MANAGE THE SPECIAL EVENT LICENSED AREA: If your answer to #14 is 501 or more, in addition to
your answers to questions 15, 16, and 17, you will need to complete the OLCC’s Plan to Manage Special Events form
(available on, unless the OLCC exempts you from this requirement.
15. Describe your plan to prevent problems and violations.
16. Describe your plan to prevent minors from gaining access to alcoholic beverages and from gaining access to any
portion of the licensed premises prohibited to minors.
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(rev. 05/2010)
1-800-452-OLCC (6522)
American LegalNet, Inc.
17. Describe your plan to manage alcohol consumption by adults.
MANAGER AND SERVICE PERMITS: You must name a manager or managers who will be at the special event.
18. List name(s) of on-site manager(s): _________________________________ 19. Contact Phone: _______________
20. Service permit number of manager(s): _______________________________________________________________
LIQUOR LIABILITY INSURANCE: If the licensed area is open to the public and expected attendance is 301 or more
per day in the licensed area, you must have at least $300,000 of liquor liability insurance coverage as required by ORS
21. Insurance Company: ________________________ 22. Policy #: ______________ 23. Expiration Date: __________
TRADE VISITORS: “Trade visitor” means a person whose job includes the purchase, or recommended purchase, of
distilled spirits by a licensee of the Commission or distributors and others in the commercial distribution chain; or a person
representing an agency of mass communication, such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine, and internet.
24. If I allow tastings by trade visitors at this event I will distinguish trade visitors from members of the general public by
(check those that apply):
Providing tastings for trade visitors in separate areas or at separate times from tastings for the general public;
Using distinctive glassware for trade visitors;
Using badges or name tags;
Other (please describe):____________________________________________________________________
I will not allow tastings by trade visitors.
I understand and agree to follow the requirement that a tasting provided to member of the general public shall be no more
than one-half fluid ounce of distilled liquor in a single container. The container may also contain nonalcoholic beverages;
however, the total amount of liquid in the container may be no more than two ounces. I will not provide more than two and
one-half ounces of distilled liquor per member of the general public per license day.
25. Licensee Name (please print): _____________________________________________________________________
26. LICENSEE SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________ 27. Date: ___________________
GOVERNMENT RECOMMENDATION: Once you’ve completed this form to this point, you must obtain a recommendation
from the local city or county named in #28 below before submitting this application to the OLCC.
28. Name the city if the event address is within a city’s limits or name the county if the event address is outside the city’s
limits: ____________________________________________
The city/county named in #28 above recommends:
Deny (attach written explanation of deny recommendation)
City/County Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
FORM TO OLCC: This license is valid only when signed by an OLCC representative. Submit this form to the OLCC office
regulating the county in which your special event will happen.
Fee Paid: _____________________ Date: ______________________ Receipt #: ____________________________
License is:
OLCC Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
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(rev. 05/2010)
1-800-452-OLCC (6522)
American LegalNet, Inc.