Preferred Worker Job Offer Letter
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Preferred Worker Job Offer Letter Form. This is a Oregon form and can be use in Preferred Worker Program Workers Comp.
Tags: Preferred Worker Job Offer Letter, 4903, Oregon Workers Comp, Preferred Worker Program
Preferred Worker Job Offer Letter Employer at injury: Date: Preferred Worker Name: Address: City, State, ZIP: Dear : Since you are unable to return to your regular job at injury, we (check all that apply): have developed this job within your physical restrictions. will use the Preferred Worker Program (PWP) to modify this job within your physical restrictions. have provided a temporary job within your physicial restrictions pending PWP modification. Permanent job title: Temporary job title, if applicable: Wages: Location: Descriptions of job duties or attach job descriptions: Start date: Start date: Hours: Sincerely, I have read and understand this/these job offer(s). I accept this/these job(s) as offered. Yes Employee signature 440-4903 (1/13/DCBS/WCD/WEB) No Date 4903 American LegalNet, Inc.