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File Number: 15-____________________ REGISTER OF WILLS OF CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Estate of _______________________________________________________, Deceased UNAVAILABLE WITNESS AFFIDAVIT I, _____________________________ being duly sworn according to law, depose and say that I, the Executor Administrator in the above referenced Estate, declare that ____________________________________ and ________________________________ whose signature(s) appears as subscribing witness(es) to the WILL or CODICIL of the above Testator is/are not readily available to prove the signature of the Testator by reason of ________________________________________________________________ Must sign in Register's Office __________________________________________ Signature of Executor/Administrator Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before me this ___________ day of __________________, ________ _________________________________________________________ Deputy for Register of Wills OATH OF NON-SUBSCRIBING WITNESS ______________________________________________________________________________________ (each) a subscriber hereto, (each) being duly qualified according to law, depose(s) and say(s) that he is/she is/they are familiar with the signature of the above Testator of the WILL or on the CODICIL presented herewith and that he/she/they believe(s) the signature CODICIL is in the handwriting of the above Testator to the best of WILL or his/her/their knowledge and belief. Must sign in Register's Office __________________________________ Signature of Non-Subscribing Witness __________________________________ Signature of Non-Subscribing Witness Sworn to or affirmed and subscribed before me this ___________ day of __________________, ________ _________________________________________________________ Deputy for Register of Wills American LegalNet, Inc.