Notice Of Appointment View And Hearing
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Notice Of Appointment View And Hearing Form. This is a Pennsylvania form and can be use in Lancaster Local County.
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Tags: Notice Of Appointment View And Hearing, 7, Pennsylvania Local County, Lancaster
IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA No. _______________ ,Condemnor vs. , Condemnee __________________ Term, 20______ NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, VIEW AND HEARING To the above named Condemnor and Condemnee, and to all other persons having an interest in the following property: You are hereby advised that: ___________________________ , Chairman ___________________________ ___________________________ have been appointed a Board of View in the manner prescribed by law on ________________________, to determine damages, if any, suffered by the parties in interest on the above property according to the Petition filed in the above captioned proceedings. The time and place for the view is fixed at ____________ o'clock, ____M., ________________, 20_____, at premises: __________________________________________________________________. The time and place for the hearing is fixed at __________ o'clock, ____M., ________________, 20_____, in the Hearing Room of the Court House at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Condemnee is required to notify __________________________, Chairman of the Board of View, at __________________________________ Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at the Condemnor, by written notice, the names and addresses of all other Condemnees known to him to have an interest in his property and the nature of said interest, and the names and addresses of all Mortgages. ___________________________________ Chairman of Boa rd of View I hereby certify that the within Notice was mailed by Registered Mail___ or Certified Mail___ to the Condemnor and to the Condemnee on _________________________________________________. ___________________________________ Chairman of Boa rd of View Form 7 2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.