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How to complete the form:1. List the entity222s ID number. The ID number can be found by looking up your entity in the Corporate Database.2. � List the name of the corporation. The entity name can be Corporate Database. 3. � State the number of redeemable shares the entity cancelled through redemption or purchase. Itemize the shares.4. � State the aggregate number of issued shares of the shares.5. � If the Articles of Incorporation provide that the cancelled shares shall not be reissued, state the number of shares such cancellation. Itemize the shares. 6. � The entity has paid all fees and taxes. 7. �List the date the Statement of Cancellation of Redeemable Shares was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the entity.8. � Check 223Date received224 unless you prefer that the � MUST sign and date the form. � Entity records are retrievable and viewable through our NOT result in a mailed be posted online� Go to our Corporate Database225 � Enter the name or ID number of your entity and click 223Search224225 � Click on the link to your entity record, scroll down, � � on our website. � Section 7-1.2-601(e) of the General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956, as amendedthe information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and/or tax specialist. � � each calendar year, excluding the year of incorporation, between January 1 and March 1. A courtesy reminder will be mailed to the registered agent prior to January 1 � Every entity registered with the Rhode Island Department Rhode Island Division of Taxation, even if no business is conducted within Rhode Island for website for further information. American LegalNet, Inc. RIGL 7-1.2-601(e), the undersigned corporation submits the following 3. The number of redeemable shares of the corporation Class Series Number of Shares 4. The aggregate number of issued shares of the corporation Class Series Number of Shares DOMESTIC Business Corporation (401) 222-3040 American LegalNet, Inc. 5.If the Articles of Incorporation provide that the cancelledshares shall not be reissued, the number of shares the corporationClassSeriesNumber of Shares 7-1.2-105, the entity has paid all fees and taxes.7.This Statement of Cancellation of Redeemable Shares was dulyDate American LegalNet, Inc. American LegalNet, Inc.