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Stipulation Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Probate Court Statewide.
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Tags: Stipulation, PC-9.5, Rhode Island Statewide, Probate Court
DATE FILEDFORCOURT USE ONLY In the above-entitled matter, it is hereby stipulated as follows:Name ofAttorneyFirm of AttorneyBarNumberStreetAddressCity/TownStateZip CodeE-mailPhone NumberSignature ofAttorneyDateName ofAttorneyFirm ofAttorneyBarNumberStreetAddressCity/TownStateStateZip CodeE-mailPhoneNumberSignature ofAttorneyDateEntered as an order and decree of the court on:Name of Probate JudgeSignature ofProbate JudgeDate STIPULATIONPC-9.5 (Rev. 07/17) State of Rhode Island and Providence PlantationsProbate CourtPage 1 of 1 STATE OF RHODE ISLANDCounty ofEstate ofAlias PROBATE COURT OF THECity or Town ofNo. ATTORNEY SIGN HERE SIGN HERE American LegalNet, Inc.