Application For Citation In Supplementary Proceedings
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Application For Citation In Supplementary Proceedings Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
Tags: Application For Citation In Supplementary Proceedings, Superior-38, Rhode Island Statewide, Superior Court
STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT APPLICATION FOR CITATION IN SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS Plaintiff Civil Action File Number Defendant Murray Judicial Complex Newport County 45 Washington Square Newport, Rhode Island 02840-2913 (401) 841-8330 McGrath Judicial Complex Washington County 4800 Tower Hill Road Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879-2239 (401) 782-4121 Noel Judicial Complex Kent County 222 Quaker Lane Warwick, Rhode Island 02886-0107 (401) 822-6900 Licht Judicial Complex Providence/Bristol County 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903-2719 (401) 222-3230 TO THE HONORABLE SUPERIOR COURT LISTED ABOVE: Respectfully Represents _______________________________________________________ of ______________________________________________ in the County of _______________ and State of Rhode Island, that the Plaintiff is Judgment Creditor of ______________________________________ of _____________________________________ in the County of _____________________ and State of Rhode Island, that the Plaintiff obtained a judgment against said __________________________________________________________ in the ________________ Court, County of _______________________, on the ____________ day of _____________________________________, 20____, that thereafter on the __________ day of _______________________, 20___, execution issued on said judgment, and said execution has been returned to said court: Wholly unsatisfied and unpaid Unsatisfied and unpaid to the extent of $__________________________________ Said Judgment Creditor ___________________________________ respectfully prays this court to issue a citation to said Judgment Debtor to appear before said court at a time and place in such Citation to be named to show cause why an examination into the Judgment Debtor's circumstances should not be made and an order be entered ordering him to pay said judgment in full or by installments, weekly, monthly, or otherwise. _________________________________ Judgment Creditor Superior-38 (revised October 2014) American LegalNet, Inc.