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Mechanics Lien Citation Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
Tags: Mechanics Lien Citation, Superior-47, Rhode Island Statewide, Superior Court
STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT MECHANICS' LIEN CITATION TO THE DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICER IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 9, CHAPTER 5 (WRITS, SUMMONS, AND PROCESS) OF THE RHODE ISLAND GENERAL LAWS, IN OUR SEVERAL COUNTIES Petitioner(s) Civil Action File Number Respondent(s) The Petitioner(s) has filed a petition in equity in the Superior Court representing that the Respondent(s) is indebted to the Petitioner(s) in the sum of $ , including interest according to the amount filed with the petition, for materials furnished, and work and labor performed in the construction, erection, and reparation of a certain building belonging to the Respondent(s) situated in the city or town of upon the lot(s) of land owned by the Respondent(s) in fee simple, bounded and described as follows: The Petitioner(s) claim a lien for the sum above, with interest and costs, and request that said lien be enforced against the land and building listed above, and against the right, title, and interest that ___________________________________ as the owner thereof, had in and to the same at the time said Petitioner's lien accrued thereon, and attached thereto, and that the same may be sold to satisfy said claim of the Petitioner(s), and all other accounts and demands for which the same is pledged and liable by Title 34, Chapter 28 of the General Laws of 1956 and any amendments thereto. WE COMMAND you to cite _____________________________________________ to respond before the Superior Court at within the County of , on the _________ day of ________________________, 20______ and show cause, if any, why said lien should not be allowed and enforced by the court for the amount claimed. Hereof fail not and make true return of this writ with your doings thereon. WITNESS, the Seal of the Superior Court, at ________________________, 20______. , on the _________ day of /s/ _____________________________________________ Clerk Superior-47 (revised October 2015) American LegalNet, Inc.