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Notice Of Attachment (Not For Wages) Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Superior Court Statewide.
Tags: Notice Of Attachment (Not For Wages), Superior-40, Rhode Island Statewide, Superior Court
STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT (NOT FOR WAGES) Plaintiff/Creditor Defendant/Debtor Civil Action File Number Attorney for the Plaintiff/Creditor or the Plaintiff/Creditor Address of the Plaintiff/Creditor's Attorney or the Plaintiff/Creditor Trustee (Person/Entity Holding Property) Description of Property Attached Address of the Defendant/Debtor Murray Judicial Complex Newport County 45 Washington Square Newport, Rhode Island 02840-2913 *(401) 841-8330 McGrath Judicial Complex Washington County 4800 Tower Hill Road Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879-2239 *(401) 782-4121 Noel Judicial Complex Kent County 222 Quaker Lane Warwick, Rhode Island 02886-0107 *(401) 822-6900 Licht Judicial Complex Providence/Bristol County 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903-2719 *(401) 222-3230 HEARING DATE: DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF HEARING TIME: COURTROOM: The above-named Plaintiff/Creditor has obtained a judgment against the Defendant/Debtor and has attached your property being held by the above-named Trustee (see the enclosed Writ of Attachment). Now the issue is whether the attached property or funds will be used to satisfy all or part of that judgment. You may have rights to claim an exemption and have the property released. For example, the property or funds may be exempt if it is from: Social security Pension and retirement funds Unemployment benefits Public assistance Temporary disability benefits Workers' compensation benefit Certain life insurance benefits Page 1 of 3 Superior-40 (revised February 2015) American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT (NOT FOR WAGES) You may have other exemptions. This is not a complete list. The court allows a hearing where you may claim an exemption that may stop the attachment. CERTIFICATION I certify that on __________________, service of the Writ of Attachment was made on the Trustee, and on the same date I mailed by regular mail, postage prepaid, copies of the Writ of Attachment and this Notice of Attachment (Not for Wages) to the Defendant/Debtor at the address listed above. _______________________________________________________ Signature of the Plaintiff/Creditor's Attorney or the Plaintiff/Creditor TO THE DEFENDANT/DEBTOR: HOW TO OBJECT TO ATTACHMENT If you claim an exemption, you must complete the attached Defendant/Debtor's Objection to Notice of Attachment (Not for Wages) and file it with the clerk on or before the Objection Date (listed above). You are also required to mail a copy of your objection to the Plaintiff/Creditor's attorney or to the Plaintiff/Creditor directly if self-represented. If you file a timely objection, you must appear in court on the Hearing Date listed above. If you do not file an objection, the Plaintiff/Creditor will be allowed to use the attached property to satisfy the judgment against you. If you need language assistance, please contact the Office of Court Interpreters at (401) 2228710 or by email at before your court appearance. * If an accommodation for a disability is necessary, please contact the Superior Court Clerk's Office at the telephone number listed above as soon as possible. TTY users can contact the Superior Court through Rhode Island Relay at 7-1-1 or 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) to voice number. Page 2 of 3 Superior-40 (revised February 2015) American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on the ______ day of _____________________, 20____: I filed and served this document through the electronic filing system on the following parties: __________________________________________________________________________________. The document electronically filed and served is available for viewing and/or downloading from the Rhode Island Judiciary's Electronic Filing System. I served this document through the electronic filing system on the following parties: __________________________________________________________________________________. The document electronically served is available for viewing and/or downloading from the Rhode Island Judiciary's Electronic Filing System. I mailed or hand-delivered this document to the attorney for the opposing party and/or the opposing party if self-represented, whose name is __________________________________________ at the following address ______________________________________________________________. /s/ ___________________________________ Name Page 3 of 3 Superior-40 (revised February 2015) American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT DEFENDANT/DEBTOR'S OBJECTION TO NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT (NOT FOR WAGES) Plaintiff/Creditor Defendant/Debtor Civil Action File Number Attorney for the Plaintiff/Creditor or the Plaintiff/Creditor Address of the Plaintiff/Creditor's Attorney or the Plaintiff/Creditor Trustee (Person/Entity Holding Property) Description of Property Attached Address of the Defendant/Debtor Murray Judicial Complex Newport County 45 Washington Square Newport, Rhode Island 02840-2913 *(401) 841-8330 McGrath Judicial Complex Washington County 4800 Tower Hill Road Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879-2239 *(401) 782-4121 Noel Judicial Complex Kent County 222 Quaker Lane Warwick, Rhode Island 02886-0107 *(401) 822-6900 Licht Judicial Complex Providence/Bristol County 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903-2719 *(401) 222-3230 HEARING DATE: DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF HEARING TIME: COURTROOM: Listed below are several possible defenses to the attachment of your property which the Plaintiff/Creditor has filed against you. If one or more of these defenses apply to your case, check the appropriate box(es) below and sign the form. There may be other defenses not listed here. You may consult an attorney and seek representation before filling out this Objection. Page 1 of 2 Superior-40 (revised February 2015) American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS SUPERIOR COURT DEFENDANT/DEBTOR'S OBJECTION TO NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT (NOT FOR WAGES) Social security Pension and retirement funds Unemployment benefits Temporary disability benefits Public assistance Workers' compensation benefits Certain life insurance benefits Other ________________________________________ WHEREFORE: Because of