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Application For Limited Liability Entity License Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Application For Limited Liability Entity License, Rhode Island Statewide, Supreme Court
RHODE ISLAND SUPREME COURT APPLICATION FOR LIMITED LIABILITY ENTITY LICENSE ART. II, RULE 10 A limited liability entity may not engage in the practice of law unless and until it applies to and receives from this court a license to operate as a limited liability entity and only so long as such license remains in good standing. Art. II, Rule 10(c). Section A. General Information. Authorized Representative: Legal Name of Entity: Local Address:* Telephone No.: Fax No.: Entity Contact Person: Email: Entity State of Incorporation: Total number of Practicing Attorneys:** *If no local address, list address of principal office. If the entity maintains additional offices, on a separate sheet, please provide addresses and note which office is the entity's principal office. **Use the total number of attorneys practicing law on behalf of the entity to calculate the amounts of insurance required by G.L. �� 7-5.1-8, 7-12-58, and 7-16-3.3. Section B. Entity Name. All law firm names shall comply with Article II, Rule 10 and Article V, Rule 7.5 of the Supreme Court Rules, as amended. A limited liability entity shall operate under the entity name as listed in the records of the Rhode Island Secretary of State and shall not operate under a fictitious business name. Entity names shall include the full or last name of one or more principal attorneys actively practicing law on behalf of the law firm except, if otherwise lawful, law firms may use as, or continue to include in, its name the name or names of one or more of its deceased or retired attorneys or of a predecessor firm in a continuing line of succession. Entity names may describe the nature of the firm's legal practice in terms that are accurate, descriptive, and informative and not comparative, or suggestive of the ability to obtain results. Law firm names that are misleading as to the identity of the attorney or attorneys practicing law with the firm are prohibited. Use additional sheets, if necessary, when providing the below information. Section C. Type of Limited Liability Entity. Check appropriate type of limited liability entity. Professional Service Corporation (Provide information for shareholders, directors and officers below) Limited Liability Partnership (Provide information for partners below) Limited Liability Company (Provide information for managers and members below) Date and State of Bar Name Business Address including Email Admission Section D. Local Attorneys. The following attorney(s) will practice law in Rhode Island through the limited liability entity (include attorneys listed in Section C who will practice law in Rhode Island): Rhode Name Business Address including Email Relationship Island Bar # Partner Associate Other* Partner Associate Other* Partner Associate Other* *If "other" please attach a description of the relationship between the local attorney and the entity. American LegalNet, Inc. Section E. Payment and documentation. Please check below to indicate that the required payment and copies of the following documents are attached. Check in the amount of $200.00 made payable to the Rhode Island Supreme Court. (A $125.00 late fee is required if the application is being filed more than thirty (30) days of registering with the Rhode Island Secretary of State.) Limited Liability Entity Charter filed with the Rhode Island Secretary of State (Domestic LLEs) or Certificate of Registration from the Rhode Island Secretary of State (Foreign LLEs). Current insurance certificate. (A current insurance certificate must always be on file with the Court.) Limited liability entities shall indicate in the records of the Rhode Island Secretary of State that the purpose of the entity is to engage in the practice of law. Section F. Other Practice of Law. Does any individual associated with this entity practice law on behalf of another incorporated or a separate unincorporated law firm? Yes No If yes, please state the entity name and address and indicate when prior written approval of the Supreme Court was obtained. Entity Name and Address Date of Approval Section G. Names and Subsidiaries. 1. If the entity name includes the names of any attorneys who are not currently principal attorneys actively practicing law on behalf of the entity, please attach detailed information on whether such attorneys are deceased, retired, or how such attorneys are otherwise affiliated with the entity. 2. Is the entity registered in this or any other jurisdiction to practice law under a different name than that listed in Section A. of this application? Yes No If yes, please list and attach detailed information about any additional name(s) under which the entity is registered to transact business, including any and all fictitious business names. 3. Please attach a list of all subsidiaries or parent companies affiliated with the entity applicant noting whether each is a subsidiary or parent of the applicant entity. Section H. Fitness Review. 1. Is each attorney in the entity in good standing in this state or, if licensed to practice elsewhere, in every state or jurisdiction in which he or she is licensed? Yes No If no, please explain. 2. Have the attorneys employed by or associated with the entity or related entities ever been disbarred, suspended, reprimanded, censured or otherwise disciplined? Yes No If yes, please provide detailed information about each instance giving rise to the disciplinary action and how each was resolved. 3. Does the entity practice law in any other jurisdiction? Yes No If yes, please provide proof that the entity is properly registered and/or licensed (if required) to conduct business in each jurisdiction where its attorneys practice law on behalf of the entity. 4. Have any charges or complaints, formal or informal, been made or filed against the entity or related entities with a consumer protection agency relating to its operations in this or in any other jurisdiction? Yes No If yes, please attach detailed information about the charges and/or complaints and how each was resolved. 5. Has the entity or related entities ever been the subject of any litigation relating to its practice of law in this or in any other jurisdiction? Yes No If so, please attach detailed information about the litigation and its status. 6. Has the authority of the entity or related entities to conduct business in this or any other jurisdiction ever been revoked or suspended? Yes No If so, please attach detailed information about the