Designation Of Attorney(s) Presenting Oral Argument
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Designation Of Attorney(s) Presenting Oral Argument Form. This is a Rhode Island form and can be use in Supreme Court Statewide.
Tags: Designation Of Attorney(s) Presenting Oral Argument, Supreme-1, Rhode Island Statewide, Supreme Court
CLERK'S OFFICE RHODE ISLAND SUPREME COURT Licht Judicial Complex 250 Benefit Street Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Telephone: (401) 222-3272 Facsimile: (401) 222-3599 DESIGNATION OF ATTORNEY(S) PRESENTING ORAL ARGUMENT Attorneys who intend to present oral argument to the court must file this form no later than ten (10) days after receiving a notice of oral argument. Attorneys who have not filed an entry of appearance as required by Article I, Rule 19, must file an entry of appearance with this designation. Attorneys who fail to file an entry of appearance will not be permitted to present oral argument. Show cause calendar: Ten (10) minutes of oral argument for each side, followed by an additional two (2) minutes of rebuttal from the appellant(s)/petitioner(s). Art. I, Rule 24(b). Full argument calendar: Total of thirty (30) minutes of oral argument for each side, followed by ten (10) minutes for rebuttal from the appellant(s)/petitioner(s). Art. I, Rule 24(b). In cases with more than one party on a side, the times for argument allocated to the appellant or the petitioner and to the appellee or respondent may be shared by the parties wishing to present argument to the Court. Unless authorized by order of the Court, only one attorney may present argument on behalf of a party. Where more than one attorney argues on a side of a case, it is counsel's responsibility to assure a fair division of the time allotted. Case Number: Date of Argument: Attorney Name: Law Firm Name: Telephone Number: be updated in our records. Case Name: Show Cause Full Argument Rhode Island Bar Number: Email: Check here if this contact information has not previously been provided to the Supreme Court Clerk's Office and must Name and appellate designation of the party(ies) on behalf of whom you will be arguing: For cases where multiple parties on the same side wish to present argument to the Court, please list the parties/attorneys and indicate how the time allotted for oral argument will be shared (each party must submit a separate designation form): Attorney Signature Supreme-1 (revised November 2012) Date American LegalNet, Inc.