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Archive Retrieval Request Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Archive Retrieval Request Form, South Carolina Federal, Bankruptcy Court
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA ARCHIVE RETRIEVAL REQUEST FORM This form is used to request that the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of South Carolina retrieve a case file from the National Archive & Records Administration (NARA). This case file can then be viewed at the Clerk's Office in our Columbia location. Please complete the following information (Type or Print) Case Information of Case to Retrieve: Case/Adversary Number: ________________________ Case/Adversary Closing Date: ____________________ Debtor(s) / Parties _____________________________________________________________________________________ Your Contact Information: Last Name: __________________________ First Name: __________________________ Middle Initial: _______________ Company (if applicable) ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________State: ____________________________ Zip Code: _________________________ Telephone Number: (_____)_____________________________ Fax Number: (_____)______________________________ Email address (if applicable): ____________________________ You must complete this form and mail it to the following address; U.S. Bankruptcy Court ATTN: Archive Retrieval Request 1100 Laurel Street Columbia SC 29201-2423 Along with the required retrieval fee. Please refer to the Schedule of Fees on the Court's website to determine the retrieval fee. The court will contact you when the case has been received for viewing at our Columbia Courthouse. A copy fee applies when requesting copies at the time of viewing. Retrieval of a closed case takes approximately 7-10 days. If the requestor has not viewed the case within the 14 days, or has not made arrangements within 14 days, the case will be returned to NARA. FOR COURT USE ONLY Box _____________________ Accession ________________ Location _________________ Updated 1/16/2014 American LegalNet, Inc.