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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON CASE #________________ _________________________ IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT _________________________ AFFIDAVIT A ND APPLICATION FOR EJECTMENT _________________________ AND PLAINTIFF RULE TO VACATE PHONE: __________________ OR SHOW CAUSE VS _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ DEFENDANT DATED____________________ I, the Plaintiff in this action, being sworn, state that I am the Landlord - lessor of the premises herein described.I further state that the premises are within the magisterial jurisdiction of Charleston County located at:_____________________________________________________________________________________ and that a landlord - tenant relationship exist between the parties described as evidenced by the following facts:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Grounds for this ejectment are one or more of the following: ( ) The tenant fails or refuses to pay the rent when due or demanded; or ( ) The term of tenancy or occupancy has ended; or ( ) A term of condition of the lease has been violated, t_____________________________o-wit ______________________________________________________________________________ SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ______ DAY OF _______________ 20___ ____________________________________ ________________________NOTARY PUBLIC OR MAGISTRATE PLAINTIFF****************************************************************************** Upon application for ejectment, above, filed by the Plaintiff, you the Defendant and lessee of the premises notedabove at _____________________ within ten (10) da fyrsom the date of service of this affidavit and rule whyyou should not be ejected from said premiseFsA. ILURE TO VACATE THE PREMISES OR TO RESPOND TO THIS COURT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD SET ABOVE, MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A WARRANT OF EJECTMENT. ______________ _______________________________________DATED MAGISTRATE