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Affidavit To Recover Possession Of Personal Property Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Lexington Local County.
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Tags: Affidavit To Recover Possession Of Personal Property, South Carolina Local County, Lexington
Claim and Delivery of Personal Property State of South Carolina, } COURT OF MAGISTRATE County of Lexington ___________________________________________, Plaintiff against Af fi da vi t t o R e cove r Poss essi on of Pers o n al P rope rt y ___________________________________________, Defendant } Personally appeared before me,______________________________________________________, a Magistrate of the County and State aforesaid _________________________________________________ Plaintiff ______________________, who, being sworn, says: 1. Thathe is the owner; or, thathe iens titled to immediate possession of by reason of ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the following described property, to-wit: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. That the said property is wrongfully withheld or detained by the Defendant__________________________above named. 3. That, according to h___ best knowledge, information and belief, the cause of such withholding or detention is ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. That the said property has not been taken for any tax, fine or assessment, pursuant to statute or seized by virtue ocutionf an exe or attachment against the same. 5. That the actual value of the said personal property is the sum ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dollars Sworn to and subscribed before me, this_____ day of ________________________________, 20____ __________________________________________________ } ________________________________________ (L.S.) Magistrate By ____________________________________________________Esq., Magistrate in and for said County and said State: To any lawful Constable of said County: You are hereby required to take from the Defendant the property described inn the withiaffidavit, and to keep the same of the disposed of according to law. __ ___ ___ _______________________________ Magistrate ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ State of South Carolina, County of Lexington } ________________________________________, Plaintiff against Ma gistrates S um m ons fo r Claim and D eliv er y o f Per s on al Pro perty ________________________________________, Defendant } By _________________________________________Magistrate. To ________________________________________________ ______________ Complaint having been made unto me by _____________________________________________ that you are in the wrongful and unlawful possession of the personal property described in the affidavit above. This is therefore to reqo auire yppeoaru tbefore me, in my office, in _______________________________________________________________ on the _______ day of ______________________, 20 _____, at _____oclock ___M., to answer to the said complaint, or judgment will be given agai nst youby default for the possession of said personal property, or in the event possession cannot be had, for the value theret: For thof, to-we isum of _________________________________Dollars together with the cost and disbursements of this action. Dated ___________________________________, 20 ____ _______________________________________________(Seal) Magistrate. ___________________________________________________ Plaintiffs