Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem (GAL)
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Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Richland Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem, South Carolina Local County, Richland
Form #130ES (1/2014) 62-1-403, 62-3-1305 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF RICHLAND IN THE MATTER OF CASE NUMBER ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM (GAL) I HEREBY APPOINT as Guardian Ad Litem to represent the interest(s) of in proceedings relating to the above matter. This Court has determined representation would be otherwise inadequate for the following reason(s): Minor (under the age of 18) Incapacitated Adult (alleged) Incapacitated Adult (adjudicated) Incarcerated Person (in state) Incarcerated Person (out of state) Unknown identity of heirs/devisees Unknown address of heirs/devisees Unborn heirs/devisees Other: Executed this day of , 20. Amy W. McCulloch , Probate Court Judge ACCEPTANCE I agree to serve as Guardian ad Litem in this matter. I am: Licensed to practice law in the State of South Carolina (SC Bar No. ) Family Member (list relationship): Other (list relationship): Signature: Print Name: Address: Telephone (Work): (Home): (Cell): Email: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com