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Small Estate Affidavit Worksheet Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Richland Local County.
Tags: Small Estate Affidavit Worksheet, South Carolina Local County, Richland
The Small Estate Affidavit allows the decedent’s heirs to obtain the decedent’s personal property
without the necessity of full probate proceedings.
This is not the Small Estate Affidavit form. This is only a worksheet.
No sooner than 30 days from date of death
Decedent’s name: ___________________________________ Decedent’s date of death: ___________
Your name: ___________________________________________________________
Your address: ___________________________________________________________
Your daytime phone number: ______________________Your relationship to decedent:
Did the decedent have a Will?
□ Yes *
□ No
*if yes please contact the Probate Court to receive the Probated Will packet
To the best of your knowledge, was the decedent a patient in a South Carolina Mental Health facility
during his/her lifetime?
□ Yes
□ No
Where was the decedent living at his or her time of death? (Check below.)
□ apartment
□ nursing home
□ home or condominium owned by the decedent. Is the decedent’s name on the
Deed to this property?
□ Yes*
□ No
*if yes please contact the Probate Court for an appointment to probate a full estate
List the decedent’s personal property and its value: (everything owned by the decedent at the time of
death including vehicles, bank accounts, and cash)
Description of Personal Property
$ (Value)
If you list a bank account, include the name of the bank, type of account, and account number. For
vehicles, give the year, make, model, and identification number. For any checks or refunds made payable
to the decedent, please include the payor’s name and check number. Any stocks or bonds should also be
Are you seeking reimbursement for paying the decedents funeral bill? □ Yes
□ No
(You must submit a copy of the funeral bill and statement showing all payments made and by
whom they were made; all insurance policies assigned and the name of the beneficiary; and all
remaining balances.)
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List the decedent’s heirs: (Complete addresses are mandatory.)
Decedent’s spouse:
(name) ________________________________ Deceased? ____________
(address) ____________________________________________________
Decedent’s children still living:
(name) ______________________________________________________
(address) ____________________________________________________
(name) ______________________________________________________
(address) ____________________________________________________
(name) ______________________________________________________
(address) ____________________________________________________
(name) ______________________________________________________
(address) ____________________________________________________
(name) ______________________________________________________
(address) ____________________________________________________
Decedent’s child now dead: (name) _________________ Date of Death_______
His/Her children:
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
Decedent’s child now dead: (name) _________________ Date of Death_______
His/Her children:
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
(name) _______________________________________________
(address) ______________________________________________
If you answered “NONE” to all of the items above, list the decedent’s parents:
Mother: (name) _____________________________________ Deceased? ____
(address) __________________________________________________
Father: (name) _____________________________________ Deceased? ____
(address) __________________________________________________
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If you answered “NONE” to all of the items on page 2 and both parents and all persons listed are
deceased, please contact the Probate Court at 576-1961 for further instructions.
□ No
Are any of the persons listed on this worksheet under the age of 18? □ Yes
(If your answer is “YES”, write the age next to each person under 18 years of age.)
AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THIS WORKSHEET, mail the following items to the
Richland County Probate Court, P.O. Box 192, Columbia, SC 29202:
o Completed Small Estate Worksheet;
o Completed, signed, and Notarized Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property
(Form #420PC);
o Appropriate filing fee
o Certified copy of the Death Certificate;
o Paid Funeral Bill and Statement
o Funeral Home Program or Copy of the Newspaper Obituary, and
o Affidavit from the person who paid the Funeral Bill concerning reimbursement
After this information is received by the court, it will be submitted to the Probate Judge for
review. If further information is needed to process the Affidavit for Collection of Personal
Property, you will be notified. When all necessary information has been submitted and reviewed,
the Judge will sign the Order.
Date searched: _____________________________
Prior GC: _________________________________
Prior ES: __________________________________
CD/CN: __________________________________
RE: ______________________________________
Other: ____________________________________
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