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Summons (For Estate) Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Richland Local County.
Tags: Summons (For Estate), South Carolina Local County, Richland STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF RICHLAND ) ) CASE NO: IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE FOR ) ) Petitioner(s), ) ) vs. ) SUMMONS ) ) ) Respondent(s). ) ) TO THE RESPONDENTS LISTED ABOVE: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to Answer the Petition in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you , and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the Petitioner(s) listed above at the following address(es): (Name, PRINT) (Street address or mailing address, PRINT) (City, State, and zip code, PRINT) Your Answer must be served on the Petitioner at the above address within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons and Petition upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Petition within that time, the Petitioner(s) will ask the Court for a judgment by default for the relief demanded in the Petition. Signature of Petitioner(s) Date: American LegalNet, Inc. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF ) ) *PETITION FOR ADMI NISTRATION UNDER PART 5 IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) CASE NUMBER: (Decedent) ) Petitioner(s) vs. Respondent(s) The undersigned hereby petitions for Administration Under Part 5. Check if applicable: The testacy of the Decedent and the priority and qualification of a Personal Representative have not been previously adjudicated. Attached is FORM 300ES, the Petition required for formal testacy proceedings. I have met the notice requirements mandated by law for formal testacy proceedings. A Personal Representative has been previously appointed. Other: Executed this day of , 20. Signature: Print Name: Address: Telephone (Work): (Home): (Cell): Email: Relationship to Decedent/Estate: *NOTE: IF THIS IS A FORMAL ACTION, IN ADDITION TO A PETITION, YOU MUST ALSO FILE A SUMMONS (FORM SCCA 401PC) AND PAY THE STATUTORY FILING FEE OF $150.00. A HEARING IN THE PROBATE COURT ON THE PETITION MAY BE REQUIRED. ORDER FOR ADMINISTRATION UNDER PART 5 Upon hearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Administration Under Part 5 in the above estate SHALL SHALL NOT commence. (Strike following paragraph if Part 5 Administration is denied.) All actions on any informal application now pending or hereafter filed are hereby stayed. Any Personal Representative who has been previously appointed shall not continue to exercise his/her power to distribute the estate. OTHER RESTRICTIONS: . Executed this day of , 20. , Probate Court Judge American LegalNet, Inc.