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Change In Status (And Duplicate Commission Request Form) Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Notary Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Change In Status (And Duplicate Commission Request Form), South Carolina Secretary Of State, Notary
STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE HONORABLE MARK HAMMOND Change in Status and Duplicate Commission Request Form Filing Fee: $10.00 Please check the appropriate option(s) and complete the information as required. You will only need to complete the sections relevant to your change of information. Please type or print in black or blue ink. The applicant is requesting the following: [ ] Notary Public Name Change If requesting a name change, please provide the following information: (please print) Changed From: Changed To: Name (as commissioned) Name Changes: Once you have received your new notary public commission bearing your new name from the Secretary of State222s Office, you may officially begin notarizing documents in your new name as issued on your commission. Please enroll your new commission in your new name with your county222s Clerk of Court. You will need a new seal that reflects your name change. You also need to destroy or deface any seals bearing your old name so they cannot be misused. The expiration of your term as a notary public will remain the same as it was prior to your name change. Notary Public Address Change If requesting a change to any of the following, please complete the applicable portions: [ ] Change of Home Address Old Home Address: New Home Address: Street Address, City, Zip Code Street Address, City, Zip Code Old Home County: New Home County: Phone: Email: [ ] Change of Mailing Address Old Home Address: New Home Address: Street Address, City, Zip Code Street Address, City, Zip Code Phone: Email: American LegalNet, Inc. Form Revised by South Carolina Secretary of State, May 2019 Address Changes: Following a change of address or contact information, the expiration date of your term as a notary public will remain the same. You are not required to make any changes to your seal. If you have moved to a new county, you must enroll your commission with the Clerk of Court in your new county. [ ] Duplicate Copy of Notary Public Commission Duplicate Copies: You may request a duplicate copy of your commission at any time. If you have changed your name or address, you will receive a new commission and do not need to request a duplicate commission. Please provide your date of birth: . Sworn to and subscribed before me This day of , 20 Notary Public of South Carolina Printed Name My Commission Expires Print Name: In the presence of a notary, please sign your name as printed above. Signature of Applicant Date *Please sign and print your name here exactly as commissioned. If you are filing a name change, please sign and print your new name. The signature and printed name must match. Your commission will be issued the way your new name is printed here.. Filing Instructions 1. Return by mail or hand delivery to: Secretary of State Attn: Notary Division 1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 525 Columbia, SC 29201 2. Please make checks payable to the South Carolina Secretary of State. 3. Include the $10.00 filing fee. The total fee for this form is $10.00, even if more than one option is selected. 4. S.C. Code of Laws 24726-1-130 states a notary must notify the Secretary of State of any changes to the notary222s legal name, address, or county within 45 days of the change(s) using a Change In Status Form as prescribed by the Secretary. 5. This form must be signed and notarized. You cannot notarize your own signature, but must have it notarized by another notary. 6. The Notary Public Division is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on state holidays. To contact the Secretary of State222s Notary Division, call (803) 734-2512 or email . American LegalNet, Inc.