Application To Be Approved As Newspaper Most Likely To Give Notice To Interested Citizens In Specific City Or County Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Application To Be Approved As Newspaper Most Likely To Give Notice To Interested Citizens In Specific City Or County Form. This is a South Carolina form and can be use in Department Of Revenue Statewide.
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Tags: Application To Be Approved As Newspaper Most Likely To Give Notice To Interested Citizens In Specific City Or County, ABL-576, South Carolina Statewide, Department Of Revenue
1350 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE APPLICATION TO BE APPROVED AS THE NEWSPAPER MOST LIKELY TO GIVE NOTICE TO INTERESTED CITIZENS IN A SPECIFIC CITY OR COUNTY Please print or type all information: 1. Name of newspaper: 2. Mailing address of newspaper: 3. Telephone number: 4. Contact person: (name and title) ABL-576 (Rev. 7/31/08) 4324 Name of county or incorporated municipality where I am seeking approval: My newspaper's circulation figures in that county or incorporated municipality: (indicate daily or weekly) Other county and municipal newspaper's circulation figures in the area for which you are applying: (indicate daily or weekly) Please attach a copy of the source of the circulation figures cited above. The S.C. Department of Revenue is required by S.C. Code Ann. 61-4-520(7) to approve the newspaper "most likely to give notice to interested citizens." The department must make this determination based on available circulation figures. However, if the newspaper is published in the county and historically has been the newspaper where legal advertisements are published, the newspaper will be approved for that county. As we are required by statute to approve publications based on circulation figures, we cannot approve applications that do not include comparative circulation figures. You must submit a separate application for each county or municipality for which you are seeking approval. Date: Signature of applicant: 43241017 American LegalNet, Inc.