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CONSENT AND WAIVER ABL-946 Rev. 11/19/09 File Number: Name of Corporation, Partnership, LLC, etc. FEI S.C. Code Ann. Section 61-2-160 prohibits the issuance of any permit or license under Title 61 unless the Department determines that the applicant does not owe the State any delinquent taxes, penalties or interest. The signature(s) below authorizes the S.C. Department of Revenue, pursuant to the provisions of S.C. Code Ann. Section 12-54-240 and 30-2-10, et seq., to release to any party, person or entity, law enforcement request(s) for purposes of processing this application or responding to questions related thereto, including but not limited to an information related to problems with the application, reasons for denial, delinquent taxes, outstanding liabilities, failure to file returns, penalties and interest. The signature below also authorizes S.C. Law Enforcement Division (SLED) to check, examine and release to the Department of Revenue the criminal history record of the person(s) having signed below. If an application is made for a license or permit by a person other than an individual, all principals are deemed to be the applicant. S.C. Code Ann. Section 61-2-100(C). All principals of the applicant are therefore required to be disclosed to the Department of Revenue. SOCIAL SECURITY DISCLOSURE "In compliance with the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, the disclosure of an individual's social security number on this form is mandatory*. SC regulation 117-201 provides that any person required to make a return, statement or document to the Department must include identifying numbers on such return, statement or document if the Department requests such information. Social security numbers are primarily used for the purposes of identifying taxpayers and monitoring tax compliance and/or fraud." 1 - 12 is a list of principal types. Each principal type must complete and sign a box below. If a required principal does not sign, this application will be denied. Principal Types: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The owner (if sole proprietorship); All officers of the business or entity which owns the business; All partners (limited partners that cannot exercise management control need not sign); All persons who own twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the value of the business entity; All persons who own twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the combined voting power of the business or entity; Members and Managers of a limited liability company which is managed by managers; Members of a limited liability company which is not managed by managers; Any fiduciary who manages, controls title, or is otherwise in control of the business; All employees who will have day-to-day operational management responsibility for the business or entity; and, If a publicly traded corporation, the designated license holder (designated agent) (must be over 21 and a resident of S.C.). All other principals must be listed also. If not a publicly traded corporation, list all stockholders. If a nonprofit organization, list all officers and directors of the organization. Name Home Address City Yr/Mo/Date of SC Residency Social Security No. Principal/Type: (use above #1-12) State Sex Zip Race Date of Birth Federal Employer Identification No. % of ownership Signature Have you as an individual, or as an organization in which you were a principal, had revoked or suspended in this state or any other state any license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquors? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Have you been convicted of a crime in South Carolina or any other state? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Additional Space on Back. 44221018 American LegalNet, Inc. File Number: Name Home Address City Yr/Mo/Date of SC Residency Social Security No. Principal/Type: (use above #1-12) State Sex Zip Race Date of Birth Federal Employer Identification No. % of ownership Signature Have you as an individual, or as an organization in which you were a principal, had revoked or suspended in this state or any other state any license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquors? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Have you been convicted of a crime in South Carolina or any other state? Name Home Address City Yr/Mo/Date of SC Residency Social Security No. Principal/Type: (use above #1-12) State Sex Zip Race Date of Birth Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Federal Employer Identification No. % of ownership Signature Have you as an individual, or as an organization in which you were a principal, had revoked or suspended in this state or any other state any license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquors? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Have you been convicted of a crime in South Carolina or any other state? Name Home Address City Yr/Mo/Date of SC Residency Social Security No. Principal/Type: (use above #1-12) State Sex Zip Race Date of Birth Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Federal Employer Identification No. % of ownership Signature Have you as an individual, or as an organization in which you were a principal, had revoked or suspended in this state or any other state any license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquors? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Have you been convicted of a crime in South Carolina or any other state? Name Home Address City Yr/Mo/Date of SC Residency Social Security No. Principal/Type: (use above #1-12) State Sex Zip Race Date of Birth Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Federal Employer Identification No. % of ownership Signature Have you as an individual, or as an organization in which you were a principal, had revoked or suspended in this state or any other state any license to sell beer, wine, or alcoholic liquors? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. Have you been convicted of a crime in South Carolina or any other state? Yes No If yes, attach explanation. 44222016 American LegalNet, Inc.