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1350 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FAILURE TO FILE AFFIRMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM (Rev. 11/19/08) 4407 ABL-934 I, ,upon being first duly sworn, upon penalty of perjury, do hereby acknowledge and affirm that I have been advised by the South Carolina Department of Revenue that the following return has not been filed as of today's date: South Carolina State Income Tax Return for the period(s) of I have been further advised that this Return(s) is on behalf of: me individually, or jointly with another. REQUIRED: Social Security Number a company, corporation, non-profit organization, or partnership for which I am an officer, director, principal, or partner doing business as REQUIRED: Federal Identification Number I hereby certify and affirm that I, or the business with which I am affiliated, is not required to file the foregoing return(s) because Taxpayer Caution -- Only a valid reason will be accepted as to why you are not required to file the foregoing return. SWORN to and subscribed before me this day of Notary Public for My Commission Expires: Notary (L.S.) Notary (printed name) , year of Taxpayer's Signature (L.S.) 44071017 American LegalNet, Inc.