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) ) COUNTY OF ______________________ ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) ) Defendant. ) STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT ____JUDICIAL CIRCUIT AMENDED CONTEMPT ORDER Docket No. ___________________________ Plaintiff Attorney: ________________________________ Defendant Attorney: _______________________________ Guardian ad Litem: _______________________________ Date of Hearing: ___________________ Judge: ___________________________ Court Reporter: ____________________ A hearing in this matter was held on ( Attorney ____________________________. / / ). The Defendant appeared with It was shown that the Defendant willfully failed to follow the Order of this Court, was found in contempt and was sentenced by the court. After considering new information, the order dated ( / / ) is hereby amended and the Defendant is now sentenced to ______________________ in the __________________ County Jail, suspended upon service of ________________________and/or: Payment of a fine in the amount of $____________ and/or Court costs of $____________ on or before ( / / ). Payment of $_____________on the arrearage on or before ( / / ). In addition to the regular payments, Defendant shall pay $__________________plus five (5%) percent collection cost per ____________until all arrearage is paid in full, beginning ( / / ). Other: _________________________________________________________________ IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that failure to comply with this order shall result in a bench warrant being issued for your arrest. All other terms of the previous order shall remain in full force and effect. Custodial Parent (if applicable): ___________________________________________________ Date:____________________, 20____ Family Court Judge _________________________S.C. SCCA 437A (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc.