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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) IN THE FAMILY COURT ) ____ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF ________________________ ) ) ) Plaintiff(s), ) 365 DAY BENCHMARK NOTICE vs. ) ) ) Defendant(s). ) Docket No. _________________________ TO:__________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE Whereas by order of the Chief Justice of South Carolina of May 9, 2006, it was ordered that all Domestic relations cases in the State of South Carolina with exception of DSS Abuse and Neglect, be Disposed of within 365 days of their filing. The above referenced case was filed on ( / / ) and has now been pending more than 365 days. Furthermore, no final hearing has been requested or scheduled by any attorney of record or party-litigant. If this is in error, please advise my office immediately in writing regarding the present status of this case. If any party wishes to proceed with this case, then within 30 days of this notice, please forward a written request for a final hearing or pretrial/status conference to the ___________________County office of the Clerk of Court to the attention of _____________________, located at __________________________, fax number ___________________________. (If mediation is mandated for your case, you must complete and submit SCADR 107 - Mediation Report before a final hearing can be scheduled.) If you fail to respond to this important notice as directed and within the time limitations, then this case will be dismissed without prejudice, and upon dismissal, all existing orders in this specific case (including, but not necessarily limited to, any temporary orders, child support and/or alimony orders, etc.) shall be considered null and void, no longer subject to enforcement and of no further effect. Any and all support arrearages will be stricken. Be further advised that such dismissal may affect and impact all other applicable marital issues, if any, involved with this specific case. YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER IS REQUIRED. Date: _____________, 20___ _______________________, S.C. SCCA 468 (12/2009) American LegalNet, Inc. ____________________________________ Clerk of Court