Statement Of Resignation Of Registered Agent
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Statement Of Resignation Of Registered Agent Form. This is a South Dakota form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Statement Of Resignation Of Registered Agent, South Dakota Secretary Of State, Corporation
Secretary of State Office 500 E Capitol Ave Pierre, SD 57501 (605)773-4845 STATEMENT OF RESIGNATION OF REGISTERED AGENT For use by Noncommercial or Commercial Registered Agent Please Type or Print Clearly in Ink Please submit one Original and one Photocopy NO FILING FEE Telephone # ____________________ FAX # _______________________ The registered agent identified below submits to the Secretary of State the following statement of resignation. The statement of resignation takes effect on the thirty-first day after the day on which it is filed with the Secretary of State office or upon appointment of a new registered agent which ever occurs first. 1. The name of the entity is _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The name of the registered agent ___________________________________________________________________ 3. The name and address of the person to which the agent will send notice to at the represented entity _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Person Receiving Notice Street Address City State ZIP+4 4. The agent resigns from serving as the agent for service of process for the above stated entity. The statement of resignation shall be signed by or on behalf of the agent. Dated ____________________________ (Signature of an authorized officer) ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Registeredagentresignation April 2012 American LegalNet, Inc. (Printed Name) (Title)