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STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF ______________ __________________________ Plaintiff, v. ___________________________ Defendant ) )SS. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN CIRCUIT COURT __________ JUDICIAL CIRCUIT No. _________ NOTICE OF HEARING Due to a timely objection filed in response to a Petition asking the Court to implement the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines, you are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before the Court pursuant to SDCL 25-4A-16.1, to consider a request for an Order implementing the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines. IT IS SO ORDERED that the Parties in the above captioned matter appear before this Court at ______am/pm, on the ______ day of ___________________, 20___, to show cause, if any, why the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines should not be implemented. Please check with the Clerk of Court's office fifteen minutes before your scheduled hearing to determine which courtroom your case has been assigned. Dated this _______ day of _________________________, 20____. BY THE COURT: _____________________________ Circuit Court Judge ATTEST: ______________________________ Clerk of Court Form UJS-369 Rev. 09/2010 American LegalNet, Inc.