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Form UJS-372 Rev. 10/2018 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ) IN CIRCUIT COURT )SS. COUNTY OF ) JUDCIAL CIRCUIT ) ) No. Plaintiff ) v. ) OBJECTION TO THE ) IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ) SOUTH DAKOTA PARENTING Defendant. ) TIME GUIDELINES I , (person opposing=Petitioner) pursuant to SDCL 247 25- 4A-16.1, object to the request for the Court to enter an Order implementing the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines. I am answering the Petition implementing South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines as follows: 1. I AGREE with the following sections of the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines: 2. I DISAGREE with the following section of the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines: 3. I either PARTIALLY Agree or Disagree with the following paragraphs of the South Dakota Parenting Time Guidelines: Dated this day of , 20 . Defendant222s Signature Print Defendant222s Name Street Address City, State, Zip Telephone Number American LegalNet, Inc. Form UJS-372 Rev. 10/2018 VERIFICATION Respondent (person opposing petition), being first duly and sworn, deposes and states that he or she verifies the facts expressed within the Objection are true. Dated , 20 Respondent222s Signature (person opposing petition) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 . Notary Public/Clerk of Courts (SEAL) If Notary, my commission expires: NOTICE OF MAILING STATEMENT I , swear and affirm, under penalty of law, that I mailed my objection to by U.S. Mail at this address: Petitioner222s (person who filed petition) Name PO Box/Street Address City, State, Zip Code Dated: , 20 . Respondent222s (person opposing petition) Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 . Notary Public/Clerk of Courts (SEAL) If Notary, my commission expires: American LegalNet, Inc. Form UJS-372 Rev. 10/2018 If you wish to explain your answers to the previous statements please use the space below. If you do not wish to explain your answers further, omit this page when you submit your Objection to the Clerk of Courts. 1. 2. 3. American LegalNet, Inc.