Motion To Quash Garnishment Or Execution And Claim Exemption Rights
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Motion To Quash Garnishment Or Execution And Claim Exemption Rights Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Davidson Local County.
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Tags: Motion To Quash Garnishment Or Execution And Claim Exemption Rights, Tennessee Local County, Davidson
IN THE CHANCERY COURT FO R THE STATE OF TENNESSEE TH 20 JUDICIAL DISTRICT, DAVIDSON COUNTY _____________________________________________________ Plaintiff Vs. Case #_______________________________ _____________________________________________________ Defendant MOTION TO QUASH GARNISHMENT/EXECUTION AND CLAIM EXEMPTION RIGHTS The Judgment Debtor requests an Order to quash the execution or garnishment of the Judgment Debtors money/property and that the property/money of the Judgment Debtor be released or returned. As grounds for the release/return of the money/property, the Judgment Debtor would show that the property is exempt under federal or state law because it is one or mof theore following (check each applicable item): _____________________ Social Security Benefits _____________________ SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Benefits _____________________ Unemployment Benefits _____________________ AFDC Benefits _____________________ Veterans Benefits _____________________ Exempt governmental pension _____________________ Exempt health care aids _____________________ Exempt insurance benefits _____________________ Exempt tools of trade _____________________ Wages garnished exceed allowable amounts under law _____________________ Other Specify:___________________________________________________________________ Judgment Debtor further states that the above money or property was garnished from the following bank (or other th ird party): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (insert name of your bank or other garnishee, if applicable) ____________________________________________ Judgment Debtors Signature Address: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of this document has been mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid or ly personal delivered to ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Judgment Creditor or Judgment Creditors attorney) on this _______ day of _________________________, 200__. ____________________________________ D eputy Clerk and Master TO BE COMPLETED BY CLERK: NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to provisions of law, a hearing is scheduled at ____ ___.m. on the _____ day of ____________________, 200__, in Chancery Court Part _____. __________________________________________________ D eputy Clerk and Master