Notice Of No Transcript Or Statement
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Notice Of No Transcript Or Statement Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Davidson Local County.
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Tags: Notice Of No Transcript Or Statement, Tennessee Local County, Davidson
IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR THE STATE OF TENNESSEE 20TH JUDICIAL DISTRI CT, DAVIDSON COUNTY _____________________, ) ) P laintiff, ) ) vs. ) No. _____________ ) _____________________, ) ) Defendant. ) NOTICE OF NO TRANSCRIPT OR STATEMENT Pursuant to T.R.A.P. 24(d), t he (plaintiff/defendant), _____________ by and through counsel, herewith provides notice that there is no transcript or statement of the evidence to be filed for the purposes of appeal. Respectfully Submitted, __________________________ A ttorney __________________________ __________________________ A ddress Certificate of Service I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was sent via first class prepaid mail upon the following parties on this the ______ day of _____________, 20__.