Notice Of Appeal To Criminal Court Of General Sessions Judgment
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Notice Of Appeal To Criminal Court Of General Sessions Judgment Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Davidson Local County.
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Tags: Notice Of Appeal To Criminal Court Of General Sessions Judgment, Tennessee Local County, Davidson
IN THE GENERAL SESSIONS COURT FOR DAVIDSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE PART ______ STATE OF TENNESSEE VS. __________________________________ Name_______________________________ Address___________________________ __________________________________ Phone____________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) Warrant No (s) _______________ NOTICE OF APPEAL TO CRIMINAL COURT OF A GENERAL SESSIONS JUDGMENT Comes now the defendant, by and through counsel, pursuant to T.C.A. 27-3-131(a); and hereby makes formal demand for appeal of the General Sessions judgement, in above referenced matter, to the Criminal Court of Nashville, Davidson County. The defendant further makes demand for a de novo trial by jury, pursuant to T.C.A. 27-3-131(b). The defendant respectfully requests to be allowed to remain on this present bond for the purpose and duration of the appeal, pursuant to T.C.A. 27-5-103. Appearance Bond made by: ______________________ Total Amount ______________. ******* ORDER SETTING BOND (Choose One) Defendant's bond shall remain in effect, YES ----- NO ******* (circle one). Bond shall be set in the total amount of $____________. (For defendant in custody) ENTERED THIS THE ______ DAY OF ______________, 20___. ______________________________ JUDGE, GENERAL SESSIONS COURT _________________________ Attorney or Defendant ________________________ Phone # CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and exact copy of the foregoing has been hand-delivered mailed to the District Attorney General, 222 Second Avenue North, Suite 500, Nashville TN, 37201, on this ______ day of _______________ 20____. ____________________________________ Attorney or Defendant XC: Disposing Judge Bonding Company, GS Probation American LegalNet, Inc. To request accommodations , please contact (615) 862-4260