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IN THE CHANCERY COURT FOR KNOX COUNTY, TENNESSEE , PLAINTIFF / PETITIONER, v. Case No. , DEFENDANT / RESPONDENT. RULE 4 CERTIFICATION Plaintiff / Petitioner Defendant / Respondent (1) Phone #: (2) Address: (3) Email: (4) Employer Address (5) Family Member/ Other Address: (6) Other Information to Assist Clerk to Contact Parties: The undersigned certify(ies) that the above is true, correct, and current and understands that the information is given to update contact information, to assist in the collection of court costs as required under the Local Rules of Practice for Knox County Chancery Court and to comply with the continuing duty to update the above contact information upon any changes. This the day of , 20 . Signature and Title Signature and Title Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title American LegalNet, Inc.