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General Sessions Court Madison County Jackson, Tennessee N OTICE OF A PPEAL page 1 of 1 Case Number vs. The Appellant, being the Defendant in the above captioned case does hereby give notice that I desire to appeal the decision rendered in this General Sessions case on . I understand that this case will be placed on the docket of the Circuit Court for and that if I desire counsel to represent me, I will have said counsel with me at the above stated time and be ready for trial. I understand that by appealing this case, additional costs will incur and that I will need to be in a position to pay said costs on the date of my hearing in Circuit Court. I demand a jury to try this case: Yes Appellant Signature: No Date: Appellant: Address: Phone: Filed Date: Clerk / Deputy Clerk - General Sessions Court NOTICE TO APPELLANT Tennessee Code Annotated 24727-5-108 allows you to appeal the judgment of the General Sessions Court by the filing of a Notice of Appeal within ten (10) days of entry of the judgment. The ten day period begins on the day following the entry of judgment. The Notice of Appeal must be filed by the close of business on the tenth day. (e.g. where entry of judgment occurs on the 1st day of the month, Notice of Appeal must be filed by the close of business on the 11th day of the month.) If the last day of the 10 day period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the Notice of Appeal must be filed by the close of business on the next business day. American LegalNet, Inc.