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Order Of Protection Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Order Of Protection, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
Case No.
Court _____________________________
Order of Protection
Amended Order
Date of Birth of Petitioner
Minor Children Protected Under this Order:
Relationship to Petitioner _________________________________
Address & Phone No. ____________________________________
Respondent’s Employer __________________________________
Distinguishing Features:
Weapon Involved
Respondent owns/possesses a firearm
Relationship Identifiers (Mark all that apply):
Parents of Child in Common
Child of Respondent
Live Together or Have Lived Together
Current or Former Spouses
Child of Respondent's Intimate Partner
Other (Explain): ____________________________
That it has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter, and the Respondent has been
provided with reasonable notice and opportunity to be heard.
Additional findings of this order are as set forth below:
That the above named Respondent be restrained from committing further acts of abuse,
stalking or sexual assault or threats of abuse, stalking or sexual assault against petitioner
or petitioner’s minor children.
That the above named Respondent be restrained from any contact with the
Additional terms of this order are as set forth below.
The terms of this order shall be effective until
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That the Respondent has committed against the Petitioner the following:
1. Domestic Abuse in that Respondent committed the acts alleged in the Petition, the court hereby adopting
the alleged acts as findings of fact and incorporating the same by reference; OR committed the following
acts: __________________________________________________________________________________
2. Stalking
3. Sexual Assault
That Respondent represents a credible threat to the physical safety of petitioner; that respondent received
actual notice of the hearing; that respondent had an opportunity to participate in the hearing.
______ That Tennessee is the home state of the parties’ minor child(ren) and the Court has jurisdiction over
child custody.
______ That the minor child(ren) is/are present in this State and that petitioner and/or the minor child(ren)
has/have been subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse and the Court has temporary
emergency jurisdiction over child custody. [If there is a previous or pending child custody proceeding in
another State having jurisdiction under the UCCJEA:] Such temporary emergency jurisdiction shall expire on
_______________________, 20______ or when an Order is obtained from the Court of the other State.
That the respondent shall not commit domestic abuse, stalking or sexual assault or threaten to commit
domestic abuse, stalking or sexual assault against the petitioner or the petitioners’ minor child(ren); or use
or threaten physical force that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury.
(X where applicable:)
_______ The respondent is hereby ordered to refrain from telephoning, contacting, or otherwise
communicating with the petitioner, directly or indirectly, or coming about petitioner or petitioner's residence or
place of employment for any purpose;
_______ The petitioner is awarded custody of the parties’ minor child(ren).
_______ Respondent shall have visitation with the parties’ minor child(ren) at the following times:
________ Visitation shall be supervised by _________________________________________________.
________ Exchange of the parties’ minor child(ren) for the purposes of visitation shall take place at the
following location:________________________________________________________________________
______ Respondent shall pay $___________ per __________ for the support of the parties’ minor child(ren)
based on the Tennessee Child Support Worksheet* attached hereto. There is no deviation from the
Tennessee Child Support Guidelines. There is deviation from the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines as
follows: ____________________________________________________________________________
The deviation is based on this court’s finding that application of the presumptive child support award under
state regulations would be unjust or inappropriate in this case. The Court has considered the best interest of
each child for whom the support award is being established or modified. The payments shall be made to the
Clerk’s office together with the Clerk’s lawful fee ($_______) for a total payment of $__________ per
__________, or to the central collection and disbursement unit in cases covered by T.C.A. §36-5-116
beginning on ___________________, 20_______. Said support shall be paid by income assignment.
* Child Support Worksheet can be found on DHS website at or at
your local child support offices.
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______ Respondent shall pay $__________ per __________ for the support of petitioner, the payments to
be made to the clerk’s office, together with the Clerk’s lawful fee ($_______), for a total payment of
$__________ per __________ beginning on __________________________, 20_____. Said support shall
be paid by income assignment.
______ Petitioner is awarded exclusive possession of the parties’ residence at _______________________
and respondent is evicted therefrom;
______ Respondent shall provide suitable alternate housing for the petitioner by ________________, 20___.
______ Respondent is prohibited from disconnecting utilities of joint residence.
_______ Respondent is ordered to complete the following intervention program(s) for violence and control
issues and/or substance abuse problems and shall report respondent’s attendance, participation, and
progress in such intervention program(s):
______ This order shall take effect immediately, pursuant to T.C.A. §36-3-609(c ), not withstanding when
the order is entered, the protection of the petitioner requiring it.
______ Respondent is prohibited from possessing, shipping, receiving or transporting a firearm or
ammunition while this order of protection is in effect.
_______ Such other provisions as may be necessary to protect the petitioner and the petitioner’s minor
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall pay the costs, attorney fees and litigation tax of this cause
for which execution may issue.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order shall remain in effect for a period of one year, and petitioner,
upon notice to respondent, may request a continuation of this Order.
Approved for Entry:
Petitioner/Petitioner's Attorney
Respondent/Respondent's Attorney
Return of Service
Served on the respondent (check one)
____ by personal service OR
____ by mailing a copy to the respondent by U.S. mail postage prepaid to the respondent's last known
address OR
____ the respondent's last known address is unknown and cannot be ascertained upon diligent inquiry OR
____ by mail in the manner as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated §§20-2-215 and 20-2-216, the
respondent being a non-resident of Tennessee
on ____________________, 20________ at _________ a.m./p.m.
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Clerk/Deputy Clerk/ Authorized Officer/Attorney
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This order shall be enforced, even without registration, by the courts of any state, the District of
Columbia, any U.S. Territory, and may be enforced by Tribal Lands (18 U.S.C. Section 2265). Crossing
state, territorial, or tribal boundaries to violate this order may result in federal imprisonment (18 U.S.
C. Section 2262).
In addition to the provisions of this order, Federal law provides penalties for possessing,
transporting, shipping, or receiving any firearm or ammunition (18 U.S. C. Section 922g(8)).
Only the Court can change this order.
If you violate this order thinking that the petitioner has given you permission to do so you are wrong
and can be arrested and prosecuted. The terms of this order can not be changed by agreement of the
parties. Only the court can change this order. If you violate this order, you may be guilty of a Class A
misdemeanor punishable by up to 11 months, 29 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500.00.
Willful Violation of this order by the respondent will constitute contempt of court and potential
penalties include up to 10 (ten) days in jail and a $50.00 fine for each violation. The court may also
impose a civil penalty of up to $50.00 for each violation pursuant to T.C.A. §36-3-610.
You are subject to prosecution for Aggravated Assault, a Class C felony, if after having been
enjoined or restrained by this or any other order, diversion or probation agreement from any way
causing or attempting to cause bodily injury or in any way committing or attempting to commit an
assault against an individual or individuals, you intentionally or knowingly attempt to cause or do
cause bodily injury or commit or attempt to commit an assault against such individual or individuals
T.C.A. §39-13-102(c ).
The home and work addresses and telephone numbers, social security number, and any other
information requested to be held confidential which could reasonably be used to locate the
whereabouts of the petitioner shall be maintained as confidential by the records custodian of a utility
service provider or government entity under the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated section
10-7-504(a)(15) and (16), upon a copy of this Order of Protection being provided to the records
custodian of the utility service provider or governmental entity maintaining the particular records
sought to be held confidential.
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Order of Protection – Warnings to Respondent
Aun sin que sea registrada, esta orden puede hacerse cumplir en los tribunales de
cualquier estado, del Distrito de Columbia, y de cualquier territorio de los Estados Unidos, y
también en los territorios indígenas (artículo 2265 del Título 18 del Código de Leyes de los
Estados Unidos). Si usted cruza fronteras estatales, territoriales o fronteras de los territorios
indígenas con el objeto de violar esta orden, puede ser encarcelado en la penitenciaria federal
(artículo 2262 del Título 18 del Código de Leyes de los Estados Unidos).
Además de las disposiciones de esta orden, la ley federal establece penas contra el
poseer, transportar, enviar o recibir armas de fuego o municiones (artículo 922(g)(8) del Título 18
del Código de Leyes de los Estados Unidos).
Solamente el tribunal puede reformar esta orden.
Si viola esta orden porque cree que la parte solicitante le ha dado permiso para hacerlo, está
usted equivocado y puede ser detenido y procesado. Un acuerdo entre las partes no surte efecto
para camibar los términos de esta orden ya que solamente el tribunal tiene la autoridad para
hacerlo. Si usted viola esta orden, es posible que sea culpable de un delito menor, Clase A,
punible con una pena de encarcelamiento que podría abarcar hasta 11 meses y 29 días, una
multa de hasta $2,500.00, o ambas. Si el querellado infringe intencionalmente esta orden será
culpable de desacato a los tribunales, y se expone a las siguientes penas posibles de hasta 10
(diez) días en la cárcel y de una multa de $50.00 por cada incidente. El tribunal puede imponer
también una pena civil de hasta $50.00, por cada incidente, conforme al Código Anotado de Leyes
de Tennessee, en su artículo 36-3-610.
Usted se expone a ser procesado por agresión con agravantes, un delito mayor, Clase C, si
conforme a esta orden o a cualquier otra orden, acuerdo para un programa de readaptación social,
o para libertad condicional lo prohíben o restringen de lesionar o intentar lesionar, o de cualquier
manera cometer o intentar cometer una agresión contra una determinada persona o determinadas
personas, y en lo sucesivo comete o intenta cometer una agresión, intencionalmente o con pleno
conocimiento, contra esas mismas personas. Disposición recogida en el Código Anotado de Leyes
de Tennessee , en su artículo 39-13-102.
El encargado de los registros de cualquier proveedor de servicios públicos o de entidades
gubernamentales preservará la confidencialidad del domicilio de la parte solicitante y de su
dirección de trabajo, de sus números de teléfono, de su número de seguro social y de cualquier
información adicional que se podría utilizar razonablemente para descubrir su paradero, a tenor de
las disposiciones del Código Anotado de Leyes de Tennessee, en su artículo 10-7-504(15) y (16),
cuando se presente copia de esta Orden de Protección al encargado antes mencionado que tenga
bajo su custodia los registros particulares que se soliciten mantener en secreto.
Revised 7-1-05
American LegalNet, Inc.