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IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE _____________________________ Plaintiff(s) vs. ________________________________ Defendant(s) DOCKET No. __________________ WRIT OF POSSESSION To the Sheriff of Shelby County, Greetings: Whereas, at a trial of this matter, had in said county on the ________ day of _____________________________, 20 ________, before The Honorable _________________________________________, Chancellor of Part _______, of the Chancery Court in Shelby County, Tennessee, judgment was given that _________________________________________________ recover from ___________________________________________ possession of a certain tract or parcel of land, or tenements, bounded and described as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________. We therefore command that you take with you the force of the county, if necessary, and cause the said __ _________________ ______________________________________________________, the plaintiff in said judgment, to have and be restored to the possession of said tract or parcel of land or tenements, and that you remove the said __________________________________ ____________________________________, the defendant in said judgment, therefrom and give the said plaintiff possession of said premises and make immediate return to the court how you have executed this writ. Issued this ____________ day of _____________________, 20 _______ Donna L. Russell, Clerk & Master By _____________________________ Deputy Court Clerk Came to hand this ________ day of ____________, 20 ______ Executed this ________ day of _____________, 20 ______ by giving the plaintiff possession of the within described property. Not executed this ________day of ____________, 20 ______ because ___________________________________________. Bill Oldham, Sheriff By ____________________________________________Deputy Sheriff Attorney or Owner's Phone No. __________________________ Form: WO-10/06 American LegalNet, Inc.