Scire Facias To Revive And Renew Judgment
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Scire Facias To Revive And Renew Judgment Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Scire Facias To Revive And Renew Judgment, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
THE STATE OF TENNESSEE,To the Sheriff of Shelby County:THIS IS THEREFORE TO command you to summon if found to be in your County, to appear before said Circuit Court Divisionat the Court House of Shelby County, in Memphis on theday of, 20, at .M., to show cause, if any, why the judgment heretofore entered against Respondent, , on behalf of Petitioner, under docket number, in the amount of $ on should not be revived and renewed for an additional ten (10) years.WITNESS, , clerk of said Circuit Court, in Memphis, Tennessee, this day of,20. , Clerk D.C.By:NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: You have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you are unable toafford an attorney, and with to have one appointed by the Court, you must rile a motion with the Courtat once, giving rive (5) days notice to the petitioner or the petitioner's attorney of the time andplace your motion will be heard.You are charged with Contempt of Court, which may be of a civil and/or criminal nature. WhenCharged with Contempt of Court, you are not required to give evidence against yourself You arepresumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If you are convicted of contempt,there is a possibility that you will be fined and/or imprisoned. American LegalNet, Inc. Docket Number: CIRCUIT COURTSHELBY COUNTY, TENN. Plaintiffvs.Scire FaciasTo Revive and RenewA Judgment Defendant Issued CLERK BY:Came to hand Attorney Phone No. Two-sided Print American LegalNet, Inc.