Writ Of Possession
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Writ Of Possession Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Writ Of Possession, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
STATE OF TENNESSEETo the Sheriff of Shelby County:In an action to recover personal property pending in the Circuit Court of Shelby County, betweenComplainant andDefendant an day ofOrder was rendered on the, 20, reciting that thecomplaintant's claim for immediate possession is sustained.You are hereby commanded to take the following goods and chattels, to-wit: out of possession of the Defendantand deliver same to day of, 20 subject to the further orders of this court.TESTED AND ISSUED The ByD.C. . American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com RETURN OF SERVICE OF WRIT OF POSSESSION day ofI hereby certify that I have executed the within Writ of Possession this . By taking, 20 out of possession of the Defendant and turning the same over to plaintiff, storing same withand takingreceipt. , Sheriff ByD.S. Docket Number: CIRCUIT COURTSHELBY COUNTY, TENN. Plaintiffvs.{ Writ of Possession Defendant 20day ofCame to hand and Attorney Phone No. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com