Writ Of Possession For Real Property
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Writ Of Possession For Real Property Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Writ Of Possession For Real Property, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
IN T HE CIRCUIT COU RT OF SHE LBY COUNTY , TE NNESSEE FOR THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT MEMPHIS WRIT OF POSSESSION FOR REAL PROPERTY vs. Docket # The execution for costs shall issue in the usual form, and the writ of possession may be as follows: State of Tennessee, To the Sheriff of Shelby County: County Whereas, at a trial of forcible and unlawful detainer had in such county of the day of , 20 , before , a Judge of the Circuit Court of Shelby County, judgment was given that recover from possession of a certain tract or parcel of land, bounded, or known and described as follows: We, therefore, command you that you take with you the force of Shelby County, if necessary, and cause , the plaintiff in such judgment, to have and be restored to the possession of such tract or parcel of land, and that you remove , the defendant in such judgment, therefrom, and give such plaintiff peaceable possession of such premises, and make return to me in twenty days how you have executed this writ. This day of , 20 D.C. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com CIRCUIT COURT SHELBY COUNTY, TENN Docket Number: Plaintiff vs. Defendant RETURN ON SERVICE OF WRIT OF POSSESSION I hereby certify that I have executed the within Writ of Possession this day of , 20 , By taking Out of possession of the Defendant and turning over same to Plaintiff, storing same with and taking receipt. , Sheriff By D.S. American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com