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Forcible Entry And Detainer Warrant Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Forcible Entry And Detainer Warrant, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
IN THE SHELBY COUNTY COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS DETAINER WARRANT No. To Any Lawful Officer to Execute and Return: STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF SHELBY, TO THE SHERIFF OF SAID COUNTY WHEREAS, Complaint has been made to me by the plaintiff(s), of a certain forcible entry and detainer, or an unlawful detainer, made by the defendant(s) unto certain lands or premises, in this county, described as follows, to wit: to which plaintiff(s) claims the right of possessions, and that defendant(s) unlawfully detain same. You are therefore commanded to summon the above named defendant(s) to appear before the Shelby County Court of General Sessions on a at ` (day of week) , to answer to the above complaint and further plea of debt in the amount of $ (10:00 AM OR 1:30 PM) plus accrued rent, damages, and attorney fees, possession of the described real property and the cost of the cause, and any other sums which may become due before the hearing of this cause. Issued day of , 200 Edward L. Stanton, Jr, General Sessions Clerk By D.C. PLAINTIFF222S ATTORNEY INFORMATION (Name) (Address) (G.S. Code No.) (B.P.R. No.) (Phone Number) (Fax) JUDGMENT Judgment for the that he/she be restored to the possession of the land or premises described in this warrant, and that a Writ of Possession issue therefore and also for $ and cost of the cause, for which let execution issue. Judgment is or is not based on a breach contract for failure to pay rent. This day of , 200 Judge, Division OFFICER222S RETURN Received day of , 200, Executed day of, 200 ON AN ADULT PERSON FOUND IN POSSESSION OF PREMISES, WHO GAVE THE NAME OF AND SERVING NOTICE THAT THE CASE IS SET FOR TRIAL BEFORE THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS ON: COURT HEARING DATE AND TIME , THE DAY OF , 200 AT (day of week) (10:00 am or 1:30 PM) ROOM 106, SHELBY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 140 ADAMS AVENUE, MEMPHIS TENNESSEE 38103 SHERIFF ByP.P.S. American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE NOTICE TO DEFENDANT(S): Pursuant to Chapter 915 of the Public Acts of 1978 as amended by Chapter 919 of the Public Acts of 1980, you are hereby given the following notice: Tennessee law provides a ten thousand dollar ($10,000.00) debtor222s equity interest personal property exemption from execution or seizure to satisfy a judgment. If a judgment should be entered against you in this action and you wish to claim property as exempt, you must file a written list, under oath, of the items you wish to claim property as exempt with the Clerk of the Court. The list may be filed at any time and may be changed by you thereafter as necessary; however, unless it is filed before a judgment becomes final, it will not be effective as to any execution, or garnishment issued prior to the filing of the list. Certain items are automatically exempt by law and do not need to be listed: these include items necessary wearing appeal (clothing) for yourself and your family and trunks or other receptacles necessary to contain such apparel, family portraits, the Family Bible, and school books. Should any of these be seized, you may have the right to recover them. If you do not understand your exemption right or how to exercise it, you may wish to seek counsel of a lawyer. FAIR DEBT COLLECTION NOTICE The Plaintiff named in this lawsuit has placed your account for collection and legal proceedings. Unless you dispute the debt or any portion thereof within thirty (30) days from the date you receive this summons, the debt will be assumed to be valid. If you notify the attorney for the Plaintiff within the thirty- (30) day period that you dispute the debt or any portion thereof and request verification, verification of the debt or a copy of the judgment will be forwarded. However, not withstanding the claim for verification the lawsuit will be pursued at this time. American LegalNet, Inc.