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Subpoena Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Subpoena, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
IN THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE SUBPOENA _____________________________ Plaintiff(s) vs. ______________________________ Issued___day of ____________, 20_____ Defendant(s) ________________________ Docket No. To the Sheriff of Shelby County, Greetings: You are hereby commanded to summon__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ personally to be and appear on ________________, the ________day of ____________________ year _20___, at _______o'clock ___M.. before the Judge of the General Sessions Court of Shelby County, Division ____, now sitting at the Courthouse, 140 Adams, Memphis, Tennessee and there in open court to testify and give evidence for the ___________________________________in the above styled case. This you will in no wise omit, under the penalty prescribed by law. Herein fail not, and have you then and there this writ. ____________________, year _______ Edward L. Stanton Jr., General Sessions Court Clerk By__________________________________________D.C. Came to hand and executed as commanded on: _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This ______ day of __________________ year _______ Sheriff/ Private Process Server By__________________________________ Attorney: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ American LegalNet, Inc.