Subpoena And Notice For Judicial Commitment To DMH
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Subpoena And Notice - Judicial Commitment Of A Mentally Ill Minor - Department Of Mental Health Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Subpoena And Notice - Judicial Commitment Of A Mentally Ill Minor - Department Of Mental Health, JC-6A, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
IN THE MATTER OFA child(ren) under 18 years of ageCame to hand , 20 , and executed by OFFICER'S RETURN JANIS FULLILOVE, Clerk of CourtBy D. C.of , 20 .Herein fail not, and have you then and there this Writ.STATE OF TENNESSEEof , 20 , at o'clock M., or as directed, to answer the Petition, a SUBPOENA AND NOTICEIN THE JUVENILE COURT OF MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEEDocket Number This day of , 20 JC-006APlease call (901) 222-2357 for assistance entering the Juvenile Court Building during business hours NOTICEworn to all court hearings and throughout the court building by all in attendance. Violations should bebrought to the attention of the bailiffsfor enforcement.REV A American LegalNet, Inc.