Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem And Setting Hearing Date
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Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem And Setting Case For Hearing Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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IN THE PROBATE COURT FOR SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE IN RE: CONSERVATORSHIP OF Docket No.: WARD PETITIONER(S) ORDER APPOINTING GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND SETTING CASE FOR HEARING IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that a Guardian Ad Litem should be appointed in this matter, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that , Esq. is hereby appointed as the Guardian Ad Litem to represent the best interests of the Respondent, , with the following duties and responsibilities: 1. The Guardian Ad Litem shall impartially investigate and determine the facts alleged in the Petition or Complaint, and report the facts to this Court. The Guardian Ad Litem is not an advocate for the Respondent, but is charted with the duty to determine what is best for the Respondent222s welfare. 2. After speaking with the Respondent, the Guardian Ad Litem will make a recommendation to the Court as to whether or not the Respondent needs an Attorney Ad Litem to represent the Respondent. 3. The Guardian Ad Litem shall investigate the situation, comply with the requirements of T.C.A. 247 34-1-107, and make a report to the Court in compliance therewith. The American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com Guardian Ad Litem is authorized to employ such forensic accountants or other experts, including computer experts, as he deems necessary for his investigation. 4. The Guardian Ad Litem is authorized to access the records of the Respondent in any financial institution or securities brokerage company, and when investigating the financial records of the Respondent, the Guardian Ad Litem shall be the customer with the meaning set forth in Title 45, Chapter 10, of the Tennessee Code Annotated, known as the Financial Records Privacy Act, all pursuant to the provisions of T.C.A. 247 34-1-107(h). 5. The Guardian Ad Litem is authorized to review Respondent222s medical records and to discuss the Respondent222s physical and mental condition with any physician, psychologist, or other healthcare provider who may have pertinent information, all pursuant to the provisions of T.C.A. 247 34-1-107 (e). IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this case is set for a hearing on at a.m./ p.m. IT IS SO ORDERED, this day of , 20 . JUDGE Approved as to form for entry: Attorney at Law, BPR # Address City, State, Zip Telephone American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com