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Subpoena Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Shelby Local County.
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Tags: Subpoena, Tennessee Local County, Shelby
STATE OF TENNESSEE SUBPOENA DOCKET NUMBER SHELBY COUNTY SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM PROBATE COURT TO TESTIFY TO TAKE DEPOSITION PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: TO: (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Witness) Method of Service: Shelby County Sheriff Out of County Sheriff Private Process Server You are hereby commanded to appear at the time, date and place sp TIME TO APPEAR DATE TO APPEAR ITEMS TO BRING: 140 Adams Avenue Room 124 Memphis, Tennessee 38103 OR Additional List Attached Plaintiff Defendant Attorney: (Name, Address & Telephone Number) Bill Morrison, Clerk ATTORNEY'S SIGNATURE: By: Deputy Clerk Private Process Server's Name and Address and Phone No. RETURN OF SERVICE Check one: Note: A Private Process Server's or an Attorney's return must be sworn to below: 1. I certify that on I served a copy of this subpoena on the witness stated above by day of , 20. Notary Public/ Deputy Court Clerk Signature of Sheriff, Attorney or Attorney's Agent My Commission Expires: Submit three: Original, Witness Copy, File Copy