Articles Of Dissolution And Termination By Incoporators Or Directors Of Nonprofit Corp
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Articles Of Dissolution And Termination By Incoporators Or Directors Of Nonprofit Corp Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Corporation Secretary Of State.
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Tags: Articles Of Dissolution And Termination By Incoporators Or Directors Of Nonprofit Corp, SS-4422, Tennessee Secretary Of State, Corporation
For Office Use Only Corporate Filings 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue 6th Floor, William R. Snodgrass Tower Nashville, TN 37243 ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION AND TERMINATION BY INCORPORATORS OR DIRECTORS OF A NONPROFIT CORPORATION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-64-101 of the Tennessee Nonprofit Corporation Act, the incorporators or directors of the corporation hereinafter named, adopt the following articles of dissolution and termination: 1. The name of the corporation is: 2. The date of its incorporation is: (month/day/year) 3. The corporation is a nonprofit corporation. 4. The corporation has no members. [NOTE: Please check the applicable statement.] 5. A majority of the incorporators authorized the dissolution. A majority of the directors authorized the dissolution. 6. The dissolution was authorized on (month/day/year) [NOTE: Prior to this document being accepted for filing, the Division of Business Services will request tax clearance verification from the Tennessee Department of Revenue that the business has properly filed all reports and paid all required taxes and penalties. If we cannot obtain such tax clearance verification from the Department of Revenue, this document will be rejected and returned to the applicant.] Signature Date Name of Corporation Signer's Capacity Signature Date ss-4422 (Rev: 5/99) RDA 1678 American LegalNet, Inc.