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Subpoena Form. This is a Tennessee form and can be use in Trial And General Sessions Courts Statewide.
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Tags: Subpoena, Tennessee Statewide, Trial And General Sessions Courts
____________ County
_____________ Tennessee
Case Number
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_____________________________________________ vs. _____________________________________________
To Any Lawful Officer of Said County:
Under penalty prescribed by law, you are commanded to summon:
to appear personally before the General Sessions Court of ____________ County, at the ________________ in _________,
Tennessee, on _____________ at ______________, then and there to testify (___________________) in this matter and bring the
Duces Tecum:
Date Issued: ________________________
Clerk/Deputy Clerk
If you fail to appear in court, you will be in contempt of court. The punishment for contempt maybe by a fine of
$10.00, or by imprisonment not to exceed ten (10) days, or both.
SHERIFF’S RETURN: Came hand this date and executed by:
Delivering the within subpoena to the witness named herein
Unable to serve because
Attorney’s Name, Address and Telephone Number
Designee’s Name, Address and Telephone Number
Attorney’s Signature
I certify that on the date indicated below I served a copy of this subpoena on the witness _____________________________,
by ______________________________
Signature of Attorney/Designee
Sworn to and subscribed before me on _________________________ Notary Public/Deputy Clerk _________________________
Commission Expires: __________________________________________
Legal Authority: TCA § 16-15-708
American LegalNet, Inc.