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EXPEDITED HEARING NOTICE OF APPEAL - wfd/wcomp.shtml 1 - 800 - 332 - 2667 Docket #: State File #/YR: Employee Employer Notice Notice is given that [List name(s) of all appealing party(ies) on separate sheet if necessary] appeals the order(s) Compensation Appeals Board. [List the date(s) the order(s) was filed in the court office] Judge Statement of the Issues Provide a short and plain statement of the issues on appeal or basis for relief on appeal: Additional Information Type of Case [Check the most appropriate item] Temporary disability benefits Medical benefits for current injury Medical benefits under prior order issued by the Court List of Parties Appellant (Requesting Party): At Hearing: Employer Employee Address: Phone: Email: Name: BPR#: Address: Phone: City, State & Zip code: Email: * Attach an additional sheet for each additional Appellant * RDA 11 0 8 2 LB-1099 rev./1 Page 1 of 2 American LegalNet, Inc. Employee Name: SF#: DOI: Appellee(s) Appellee (Opposing Party):At Hearing: Employer Employee Email: BPR#: Phone: Address: Phone: Name: Address: City, State & Zip code: Email: *Attach an additional sheet for each additional Appellee * CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, , certify that I have forwarded a true and exact copy of this Expedited Hearing Notice of Appeal by First Class, United States Mail, postage prepaid, to all parties and/or their attorneys in this case in accordance with Rule 0800-02-22.01(2) of the Tennessee Rules of on this the[Signature of appellant or attorney for appellant] LB-1099 rev./1 Page 2 of 2 RDA 11082 American LegalNet, Inc.