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Verification And Request For Discharge Form. This is a Utah form and can be use in Bankruptcy Court Federal.
Tags: Verification And Request For Discharge, Utah Federal, Bankruptcy Court
1 Submitting Attorney (Utah State Bar No.) Address Telephone No. Facsimile No. (Optional) E-Mail Address (Recommended) Attorney for IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF UTAH In re: Debtor(s). Bankruptcy No. Chapter Hon. VERIFICATION AND REQUEST FOR CHAPTER 13 DISCHARGE The Debtor(s), in the above-captioned case, being duly sworn, state as follows: 1.The Chapter 13 Trustee has issued a Notice of Completion of Plan Payments and the Debtors hereby request the court to enter a discharge in this case. 2.The Debtors have filed with the Bankruptcy Court Official Form 23 (Debtor222s Certification of Completion of Postpetition Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management). 3.A. I/We have not been required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute to pay any domestic support obligation as defined in 11 U.S.C. '101(14A) either before this bankruptcy was filed or at any time after the filing of this bankruptcy. OR 3.B. I/We certify that prior to the date of this affidavit I/We have paid all amounts due under any domestic support obligation (as defined in 11 U.S.C. '101(14A)) required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute including amounts due before this bankruptcy was filed, to the extent provided for by the plan. The name and address of each holder of a domestic support obligation are as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. 2 Name: [Note: If 2233.B224 is applicable, all information required in questions B.1 through 3 below must also be provided] B.1. My/Our most recent address is as follows:AddreAddress: B.2. The name and address of my/our most recent employer(s) is as follows:Name: Address: Address: B.3. The following creditors hold a claim that is not discharged under 11 U.S.C. 247523(a)(2) or (a)(4), or a claim that was reaffirmed under 11 U.S.C. 247 524(c): 4.I/We have not received a discharge in a Chapter 7, 11 or 12 bankruptcy case filedwithin 4 years prior to filing this Chapter 13 bankruptcy. 5.I/We have not received a discharge in another Chapter 13 bankruptcy case filedwithin 2 years prior to filing this Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. 6.A. I/We did not have either at the time of filing this bankruptcy or at the presenttime, equity in excess of $125,000.00 in the type of property described in 11 U.S.C. 247 522(p)(1) [generally the debtor's homestead] OR American LegalNet, Inc. 3 B.There is not currently pending any proceeding in which I [in an individual case] or either of us [in a joint case] may be found guilty of a felony of the kind described in 11 U.S.C. 247522(q)(1)(A) or liable for a debt of the kind described in 11 U.S.C. 247 522 (q)(1)(B). Debtor NOTICE OF DEADLINE TO OBJECT Any objection to this verification and the entry of a discharge for the above226named debtor(s) must be filed within 21 days after the service date set forth below. If no objection is filed, the court may enter a discharge pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 247 1328(a) without further notice or hearing. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE( Local Form 90132263) American LegalNet, Inc.