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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF UTAH DIVISIONAFFIDAVIT OF THE GARNISHEE AS TOCONTINUING GARNISHMENT (Wages )(Not for earnings for personal services) Garnishee NameCase TitleCase NumberThe undersigned, being duly sworn, hereby states the following:1.The undersigned is the garnishee or person authorized to execute this documentand make this verification on behalf of the garnishee.2.The garnishee is indebted to the defendant for personal services (work) renderedduring the period of to ( the 223Pay Period224).3.The garnishee was served with a Writ of Continuing Garnishment in the above-referenced matter on and said Writ was in effect as of the last dayof the Pay Period.4.The garnishee previously mailed by first class mail or hand delivered a copy f theAnswers to Interrogatories, Notice of Garnishment and Exemptions and two (2)copies of the Request for Hearing to the Defendant.5.The following computation details the amount of the defendant222s pay that hasbeen held for the Pay Period:1.Gross Earnings or income for the Pay Period$ American LegalNet, Inc. 2.Less deductions for taxes and other items REQUIRED BY LAW to be deducted from the above amount;Federal income tax$FICA$State Income tax$Any other amounts required by lawto be deducted$(Identify)3.Total of these deductions$4.Disposable earnings or income (Item (a) minusItem (c))$(e) Exempt amount ( to be paid to employee): greater of 1,2 or 3 below.1.75% of Defendant222s total disposableearnings or income (Item d)$or2.$175.50 times the number of weeksin the Pay Period$or3.Defendant222s disposable earnings orincome (Item d) minus the amountowed on the judgment as shown on theWrit of Garnishment:$(f)AMOUNT ATTACHED BY THIS GARNISHMENT(Item (d) above minus exempt amount as determinedin Item (e) above)$6.The garnishee ( ) has ( ) has not retained or deducted from the amount attachedabove any amount in payment, in full or in part, of a debt owed by the defendantor plaintiff to garnishee. If an amount has been retained, the amount is $.7.The garnishee will provide notice to the defendant of the amount attached by thisgarnishment. American LegalNet, Inc. 8.The garnishee provided a copy of this Affidavit to the following other persons: PersonAddressDate mailed orhand delivered9.The amount attached for the Pay Period by this garnishment has been mailed byfirst class mail or hand delivered to (mark one): Plaintiff Plaintiff222s Attorney the CourtSignature of Garnishee or Authorized Signature onBehalf of GarnisheeSUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of , 20My commission expiresNotary Public American LegalNet, Inc.